Beast Caller Read online

Page 4

  She opened the bag of the gems and counted four, but one wasn't a protection gem. "This could be a problem."

  Melony mumbled something in her sleep, making Zola look over at her. She sighed. She would make it work, since there was no other choice. She would protect Melony the best she could.

  She left the small house and went outside. She looked around into the forest. It was quiet. She took a deep breath of the night air. It was crisp with fall only a few weeks away. She closed her eyes to center herself. She felt the need to go in and check on Melony even though she had only just walked out the door. She should put some distance between them, because she was starting to want to be near her more than she thought was wise.

  She shook herself and started to walk. She went to the first gem. Looking over it, she saw there were no cracks, so there was no entry through the gem. She went to every stone to check them, and none of them were broken, so it seemed no one had broken through them or tried to enter. Zola breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't sure Melony was up to fighting for her life again. She would have to add drops of blood to them again, so she would be warned if someone did try to get through the protection circle. She cut her thumb and dripped blood on each stone.

  She went and placed two more gems on the east side of the forest, closest to her home. It was the only side that had one gem, so she thought to increase its power by adding more. She cut her thumb, the small wound having healed on her walk to find another tree to place a gem. She dropped the blood onto the gem.

  "Protection, epikaloúmai." The gem glowed a bright green before dimming down. She placed it into the tree, where it was hidden but able to do its job.

  She did it again to another gem and placed it in another tree that was a few yards away from the first one. She felt a little dizzy. She had used a lot of power teleporting. She was considered very strong for a unicorn, but even she was feeling the effects of teleporting everywhere and then adding two others. She was downright exhausted. The gems were taking the last of her energy. She looked to the last stone and contemplated if it was worth it.

  She glanced back to the small house and realized that if she didn't have enough time to recover, she wouldn't be able to get Melony out of there. The protection circle would help with time, so it was best to make it as powerful as she could. She cut her thumb again to drip blood onto the stone. She said the words to create the spell and hid the gem. She staggered, her vision going blurry for a second.

  She stopped moving, everything tilting. She was more exhausted than she thought. She leaned against a tree and breathed in the night air. The dizziness finally subsided, and she was able to walk without feeling as if she was going to end up on her ass. It had been a long time since she had felt the dizziness, not since she was a foal. She laughed. All this for a witch she had only met by chance. She couldn't find it in herself to abandon Melony. There was something about the other woman that drew her in.

  Maybe it was the dark brown eyes that showed so much kindness and strength. Or the way she fought for her friend even when she was in danger. Or was it when she had watched the young witch kill a golem and then was prepared to fight more, although Zola could tell it had been her first time seeing one. Zola had no idea, but she knew that she was now connected to Melony, bond or no bond. The feeling was there.

  Back at her house, she opened the door. It had taken her longer then she would have liked to make it back. She was ready to get back into bed with Melony. She didn't question why she didn't even think about sleeping in the hammock outside. She just knew that she wanted to be close to Melony. Plus, Melony had seemed like she liked being close to Zola as well.

  She entered the small house, and Melony was still sleeping in the bed. She was now snuggled up to a pillow with her face buried in it. Zola realized that it was the pillow she slept with, and she smiled. It may have been wishful thinking, but she hoped Melony grabbed it because it smelled like her. She looked to the small kitchenette that was to the side and went to check to see if she had any food. Opening the small refrigerator, she was blinded for a second. Her eyes adjusted, and she checked the contents of the fridge. She had some cheese that was still good and lettuce.

  She closed the fridge door. She had no idea what that would make. She looked in the cabinets and there was bread at least and some crackers. When had been the last time she’d gone grocery shopping? She didn't have the energy to go right now, and Melony would be open for an attack with her gone. She purposely ignored the fact that the house was protected. It didn't mean that it was impenetrable. That was the excuse she would use as to why she didn't leave, and why she was now crawling into bed next to Melony.

  At first, she moved to the other side of the queen bed, taking off her shoes and clothes. Only left in a shirt, she got under the covers. There was a small gap between her and Melony, and she wouldn't dare close it. She had already gone a little farther than she had originally planned and was in the bed with her. A witch no less. She could feel the heat rolling off of Melony as if drawing her in, making her want to snuggle closer. Zola clenched her fists as she fought the urge to move.

  She closed her eyes and concentrated on staying still and in her spot. She counted to fifty, and still, she wanted to move. She started all over again. Just as she got to forty-five, she felt the bed shift. Then she felt a slender arm wrap around her, and her eyes opened. She looked over, and sure enough, Melony had moved closer to her and swung her arm over. Zola blinked a few times, contemplating what she should do.

  She looked down at Melony's arm, and a breath Zola hadn't known she was holding eased when Melony scooted even closer to her. Now Melony’s head rested on Zola’s shoulder. She glanced up and saw Melony’s eyes were still closed, a soft snore leaving her. It felt right and peaceful. Zola closed her eyes. She felt surprisingly comfortable for someone that had never slept with another person in her bed.

  Zola awoke, and the first thing she knew for sure was that her limbs weren't going to be able to move. She was tangled up in something. After the grogginess of sleep started to wane, she knew it wasn't an object or the sheets; she was tangled up with Melony. She was still lying on her back in the same spot she had fallen asleep in, but now, there was a leg intertwined with hers, an arm under her, and another arm wrapped around her. Melony's body was pressed flush against her. She could feel the rise and fall of Melony’s still-sleeping body. She felt Melony’s breasts move against her side. It shouldn't be erotic, but Zola was finding it hard not to notice the way she could feel Melony's nipples through her shirt.

  Her heart rate picked up. Why could she feel Melony’s nipples against her? When she went to bed last night, Melon had still been fully dressed, except for shoes. Zola looked down, but she quickly put her head back on the pillow and held back a moan. Melony was naked except for a pair of red lacy panties. Goddess give her strength. How was she supposed to ignore the fact that Melony was naked? All the chocolate smooth skin on display. Her fingers tingled to touch, but she held still, trying to calm down the heat of lust that had ignited in her upon waking and seeing Melony wrapped around her naked.

  She closed her eyes, thinking that it was all a dream, and she counted before she opened her eyes again. She lifted her head and looked again before flopping her head back. Nope, not a dream. Melony was still naked, body pressed against hers. Why does she have such sexy panties on? Zola was glad for that barrier against them at least, because if she felt the heat from between Melony's legs, she might lose the battle of control and have to touch Melony all over.

  This was a battle of control and she was slowly losing it. From the smell of Melony’s hair, to the way her body pressed so deliciously against her own. Zola shored up all of her will, knowing it would be best if she untangled herself. She started to move Melony’s arm first. Melony didn’t wake, so Zola moved on to untwining their legs. Just as she got one of her legs free, Melony started to wake. Zola went still and closed her eyes to feign sleeping. She laid there for a few intense seconds. Melo
ny’s arm tightened around her.

  Zola opened her eyes, and, sure enough, Melony was still asleep, a peaceful look on her face as if she had nothing to worry about or like she wasn’t torturing Zola. Zola waited another minute before she tried again to get out from underneath Melony. Her patience to avoid the temptation was paper thin. She got her legs free first and then went to move Melony's arm from around her. It felt like a steel band holding her. As if all of a sudden Melony had supernatural strength.

  She finally got the arm up and was moving it back to Melony's side when she made eye contact with the deepest, brownest eyes. She froze, caught in the act, and they stared at each other. Neither one speaking and Zola still holding Melony's arm. She didn't dare move first.

  "Sorry, I'm a wild sleeper. At least, that's what Denelle always tells me," Melony said.

  The jealousy Zola felt caught her off guard. She shouldn't be jealous just because someone else knew how wild Melony was while sleeping.

  "It's fine," Zola said.

  Melony studied her before her eyes flicked over to the arm Zola was still holding.

  "Sorry." Zola quickly laid Melony's arm back down. Zola felt the blush that rose up her face. She knew it was a deep red.

  Melony gave her a sweet smile, which only made her blush more. Melony had no idea the effect she was having on Zola. Melony moved to get into a sitting position. As she sat up, she looked down at herself. There was a gasp before she looked up at Zola. She grabbed the sheet that had ended up at the end of the bed and covered herself.

  "I'm so sorry. I must have been so hot last night that I unconsciously stripped. I’m sorry. It hasn't happened in a long time. I can't believe I did that. Usually, I'm conscious of other people and won't do it even if I'm hot. Ugh, this is embarrassing." Melony covered her face with her hands.

  Zola thought it was cute how she was being all embarrassed simply because she stripped in her sleep. Zola stretched out her hand and pulled Melony’s hands from her face. She stared Melony in the eyes.

  "It doesn't bother me," she said.

  "I'm pretty sure I made you uncomfortable in your own home. I would understand if you were upset." Melony looked sad, her eyes downcast.

  Zola tilted Melony’s chin up to make sure she could see the truth in her eyes. "I honestly don't mind it at all."

  Melony stared into her eyes. Zola held eye contact before her eyes trailed down Melony's body. It was now covered by the sheet, but she still remembered what it had felt like pressed against her. She may have only glimpsed at all the beautiful dark skin, but she knew she didn't mind at all. There was nothing for Melony to be embarrassed by. She was sexy.

  The sheet started to slip down her body, and Zola watched, waiting with anticipation. Inch by inch, more of her delicious brown skin was revealed. Melony took a deep breath, and it made her large breasts move. Zola groaned. She wanted to touch and fondle them. She wanted to lick the dark brown nipples and suck on them until she heard the sounds Melony made when given pleasure.

  Zola continued to look as Melony moved the sheet away from her body. She was now was gloriously naked again except for the lacy panties. Now more than ever, Zola wanted the panties off. She looked up only to see the dark pools of Melony’s dilated eyes watching Zola.

  Her voice was breathy. "Is it okay if I kiss you?"

  The question made butterflies in Zola's stomach, and she nodded, unsure of her own voice. She would like a kiss more than anything. Melony moved tentatively toward her. Zola was surprised that Melony had asked for a kiss when she seemed so shy about the idea. Zola moved closer to her to ease the shyness. She tilted Melony’s face again and angled her lips over hers. She shivered. She hadn't pressed their lips together yet, but being so close was doing things to her.

  She pressed their lips together. Melony’s lips were so soft and plump. Zola moaned and swiped her tongue against Melony’s lips, wanting to taste her. Melony’s lips parted, and Zola dove in, counting her fortune. She moved her tongue, tasting every corner of Melony's mouth. Melony moaned under her, and she moved her head to taste more of Melony and swallowed all of her delicious moans. She kissed her more, her tongue demanding more from Melony.

  At first, Melony was tentative in the way she was kissing Zola back. Soon, her tongue joined the frenzy dance that Zola’s was doing. It felt so good that Zola lost herself in kissing Melony. Her hands started to move on their own, and she gripped Melony’s hips. She pulled Melony on top of her. Melony moaned, not breaking the kiss for a second. Zola ran her hands up from Melony’s hips, her fingers tingling from touching the soft skin. She felt muscles that were soft from lack of use but still present. She went up to her back, and it was so soft. She moved her hands back down, Melony kissing her more forcibly, demanding more and moaning as if the fact that Zola was relishing the feel of her body wasn't enough. Her fingers played around the lacy panties, and Melony's hips started an erotic roll on top of Zola.

  Zola let her do as she pleased, not moving at all although she craved the same friction. She could smell Melony's arousal. She wanted to dip her fingers in and taste the very evidence Melony was rubbing against her. She shoved her hands into Melony's panties, gripped her ass, and squeezed. She pushed Melony’s hips so she rubbed against Zola faster. It was glorious how Melony moaned at the increase in friction.

  "Please," Melony moaned out. Her head went back, and Zola didn’t waste the opportunity.

  She licked up the column of her neck and started to suck on the skin. There were more moans coming from Melony. It turned Zola on to no end, hearing the moans and gasps that escaped Melony. She wanted to know how loud Melony would get if Zola tasted her pussy. She moved her head down, finally making it to one of Melony’s ample breasts. Her hands were busy so she had to catch the nipple between her lips. There was a gasp above her as she sucked on the hard nub. She flicked her tongue a few times against the firm peaks of her breasts.

  “Oh my god, yes.”

  Zola smiled and lightly bit the nipple. Melony's whole body shivered, her head back and moans escaping as she cried out her release. Zola released the nipple from her mouth. She looked up as Melony looked down at her. Her breath came out in pants as her eyes searched Zola's face.

  “That was amazing,” she whispered.

  Zola smiled at her. “You're amazing.”

  The way Melony glanced to the side, Zola figured it was how Melony showed she was embarrassed. It was cute.

  “I never came like that before with someone,” Melony admitted.

  Zola felt proud that she had given Melony so much pleasure. “We should remedy that. Let's see if we can get you to come again.”

  Melony squirmed on top of her. “What about you?”

  Zola froze. She was honestly getting so much from giving Melony pleasure that she hadn’t thought about herself. She shrugged. “I can wait and handle it later.”

  Melony glared at her, a small pout forming. “That's not fair,” she said as she crossed her arms.

  Zola laughed so hard she nearly fell over. “What's not fair?”

  Melony was still pouting on top of her. “I want to make you come too.”

  The laughter stopped as Zola focused on Melony, and she felt the blush on her face. She was already so close, if Melony even so much as touched her more than to hold on to her, she was going to come, and that would be just embarrassing. But the look Melony was giving her… She doubted she could talk Melony out of wanting to make her come.

  “Okay,” she said.

  Chapter Four


  Melony couldn’t believe how hard her orgasm had rocked through her. She had never felt so much pleasure before. Zola had simply touched her and kissed her. The kiss had been out of this world. The way Zola took over her mouth was amazing. She had kissed before but no one had kissed her like that. The way Zola had focused on her was something she wasn't used to but could quickly become accustomed to.

  Melony had never been with another woman, but she wasn't again
st it or anything. She’d just never thought about it. Now all she could think about was making Zola come just as hard as she had come. She wanted to hear moans from Zola. She wanted to see the face she made when she was orgasming. Melony wanted to touch her and make her feel good. The only problem was that Melony had no idea how to do that.

  She still sat on top of Zola, her wet pussy soaking through her panties. She was dripping wet, and she wondered if Zola was too. Zola started to kiss her again, but this time Melony moved her hands, wanting to touch Zola. Her hands touched warm skin, but she didn't move them far, not sure where exactly would be good. She kissed back, but she was distracted.

  "Are you okay?" Zola asked.

  Melony was embarrassed, and she didn’t really want to tell Zola how she was lacking in experience. Shit, she was twenty-three years old and hadn't once tried anything with another female. Isn't that what you’re supposed to do in college? Instead, she had wasted her time dating guys she had no interest in when she was clearly into women. At least she was into Zola, but she’d never looked at Denelle in that way. She had seen Denelle naked on a number of occasions, and not once did seeing Denelle naked make her hot and bothered.

  Zola had a shirt on, but her legs were out and all that skin was turning Melony on. So maybe she was just into Zola, but either way, she still had no idea what she needed to do. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to push her down and take charge, or if Zola would tell her what she liked. There were some questions she wanted to ask and they definitely weren't sexy. It was giving her a complex how much she was thinking about what she should do.

  "You don't have to," Zola said after a few minutes of silence.