Beast Caller Read online

Page 3

  Melony’s stomach flipped just thinking about going through it again. Zola laughed again, and Melony glared at her. It wasn’t funny. Melony was pretty sure she didn’t have anything left to puke.

  Zola held her hand out for Melony to take. “The second time is easier.”

  Melony took her hand tentatively. She calmed her breathing and nodded for Zola to go. Again, the colors, sounds, and smells flew past her. It felt like she was seeing everything at once but nothing at all. Before she knew it, they stood outside a wooden cabin.

  “A vampire lord lives here?” She was skeptical. She had been picturing an old castle or something dark. Not a wooden cabin surrounded by trees and sunlight. It was peaceful and totally not what she’d expected.

  “You sound disappointed. Were you expecting some lavish mansion instead?” a deep voice said behind them.

  Melony turned so quickly she felt a little dizzy.

  “Zola, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

  The man stood there, staring at Melony. He was tall and had a jaw women would swoon over. Melony thought Zola looked better, but she thought it would be hard to compare Zola’s beauty to the man that stood there.

  “Lord Valdero, it's good to see you out and about,” Zola said.

  Melony looked at the man Zola had referred to as a lord. So he must be the vampire. He doesn't look like one. Then again, she had no idea what vampires really looked like, and if those things that attacked them weren’t vampires… It was all too much, but now she knew vampires looked like humans who could apparently walk just fine in sunlight. He wasn’t even glittering from the sunlight.

  “I hope it's not about that golem in your arms, because I won’t take something so weak,” Valdero said.

  Melony’s head shot up. “Why?”

  His dark brown eyes zeroed in on her, and he looked her up and down. His head tilted to the side, studying her. “Who are you?”

  “Melony. Now I need to know why you won’t help Denelle.” Her fists balled up.

  He shook his head at her. “Zola, why are you helping this witch?”

  He just ignored Melony. She wanted to see if the fire would burn him like it did the golems. This pompous ass. Setting a little fire on his shoes should be fine. Melony focused on Valdero’s shoes and thought about a small flame. It was not only to get back at the ass for ignoring her and dismissing her friend, but to also test to see if she could do it. She focused hard, really imagining the fire. Just as she was about to give up, a small flame appeared on the man's shoe. Melony stared in shock. She honestly hadn’t expected it to work.

  Melony started to listen to the conversation again.

  “So, you thought it wise to bring them here to my home?”

  “You said you need to sire a new vampire soon. So, hey, thought I could help,” Zola said.

  “Yes, a child of my choosing. I will not have one that is halfway to being a golem.” Valdero started to move off toward the trees. He glanced down, but he bent farther down to look at his shoe as if he didn’t understand what was happening. He turned and asked Melony, “Did you do this?”

  Melony thought about feigning ignorance, but she was too proud of herself to even try. The huge grin on her face was probably a huge giveaway.

  “How?” He sounded shocked.

  Melony shrugged. She’d only lit a tiny flame. She could set a whole apartment on fire. She was still shocked by it herself, but she didn't think Valdero should know that.

  “Are you going to help us or what?”

  If he said no, she hoped Zola knew a different vampire. One preferably that wasn't an arrogant ass. He looked at her skeptically and then to Zola. Melony looked at Zola, telling her with her eyes not to say anything. Zola looked back and forth, and she looked torn.

  “You aren’t bonded to her, so you can tell me, Zola. How did she conjure fire? I heard no spell invoked, and I see no gem and smell no blood,” Valdero said.

  Zola looked between them but said nothing. Melony could tell she wanted to say something. She had no reason to keep Melony’s secret, but Melony still hoped she did.

  “She isn’t going to tell you anything, not until you help my friend.”

  She really hoped Zola wouldn’t say anything. She’d known her less the twenty-four hours, but she trusted that Zola would keep her mouth shut.

  Valdero stared at Melony, his eyes glowing all of a few seconds. Melony felt something like a bug was next to her ear. When Valdero eyes stopped glowing, the irritating feeling went away. She was guessing he’d tried something on her, but she had no idea if it worked or not. By the way he sagged his shoulders, she was guessing it hadn't.

  "You're very powerful. What coven of witches do you come from?"

  She glanced at Zola for some assistance, but Zola was looking at her expectantly, as if she couldn't wait for the answer to the question either. Melony rolled her eyes.

  "What is this, the game twenty questions?"

  Valdero’s eyebrows hitched up. "You're here on my territory asking for my assistance. Asking questions is the smart way. Now, how long you take to answer them will determine your friend's circumstances. The longer you take, the more likely she is turned into a golem. A mindless creature that only seeks flesh and blood."

  His shoes were still burning, and Melony had the urge to light him all the way up. But then Denelle would be in danger. She glanced at Denelle’s limp form in Zola’s arms, and her heart squeezed. She didn't want her friend to become the very monsters that did this to her.

  "I don't know," she muttered.

  Valdero was quiet for a second, studying her. She was being honest; she didn't know the answer to any of his questions. She was as in the dark about herself as everyone else. Except they at least knew she was a witch.

  “I’ll take her, but on one condition.”

  Melony was happy that her friend would be saved, and she didn’t care what the condition was. She waited for Valdero to say his condition, but he just looked at her and then his shoe. He did it a few times before she got the hint.

  “Oh right.” Melony focused on the flame and brought it back to her.

  “Interesting,” Valdero said.

  “What's your condition?”

  Valdero stared at her the same way Zola had stared at her when she brought the fire back to her from the apartment.

  “You owe me two favors that can be called upon any time I wish.”

  She didn’t see a problem with it, but she looked at Zola just in case. Zola shrugged.

  “I won't sleep with you or anyone I don't want to, and I won't kill anyone. Well, anyone that isn't trying to kill me or people I hold dear,” she said.

  Valdero looked appalled. “You have nothing to fear on that account. Do we have a deal?”

  Melony looked again to Zola, and she gave a small nod. “Yeah, we have a deal.”

  “Then let's seal it.” Valdero’s fangs appeared.

  Melony flinched as he bit into his own wrist. His blood was regular dark red. His fangs were still present, and Melony took a step back. She remembered all too well what fangs felt like, and she never wanted to feel them again. She felt the heat of flames on her arms. Valdero stared at her in awe.

  “Melony, he won’t harm you, but a deal is sealed by blood,” Zola said.

  Melony looked over to Zola, her green eyes calming the fear in her. It was strange to have a complete stranger calm her just by looking at her. She turned back to look at Valdero.

  “Do you have a knife or something?”

  Zola had a small knife in her hand, and Melony held her wrist out. The bite of pain was there, but it felt better than the golem’s bite.

  Valdero walked closer to her, but this time she didn’t step away, even if her mind was screaming at her to run the other way. His fangs still out, blood dripping from them. She couldn’t get out of her head what the golems looked like when their fangs pierced Denelle’s skin and then her own. She stood still by sheer will alone.

  “Lord Valder
o, please put your fangs away before you get any closer to her.”

  Melony wanted to thank Zola, but she was afraid of what her voice would sound like. Valdero nodded to Zola, and his fangs disappeared. Melony breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still worried about the vampire. He moved closer to her and held out his bleeding wrist. She could see the skin knitting itself back together. She looked at her own wrist. It still bled, the wound still open.

  “Touch his wrist with yours, and then promise to uphold the deal,” Zola informed her.

  Melony nodded and moved, touching her wrist to Valdero’s. As soon as her bloody wrist touched his, it felt as if static electricity went through her. From her head to her toes, little tingles went off.

  “Too much,” Valdero gasped out.

  He went to his knees, his wrist still touching hers. She tried to move her wrist away, but it felt glued to the vampire. Warm hands touched her, and they were soothing compared to the little shocks she was getting from Valdero. The warm hands pulled her back, finally freeing her.

  She slumped back against the body that pulled her away, her head laying against small but soft breasts. She got the barest whiff of vanilla. She opened her eyes, not realizing she had closed them. She tilted her head to the side to see who held her. It was Zola; her green eyes had worry all over them. She smiled and Melony relaxed further into her arms.

  She heard someone moving and looked over to see Valdero crawling over to Denelle. She almost got up, but Zola held her more firmly.

  “He’s going to sire her now. We must leave so that he can do. It's sacred among vampires.”

  “I can’t just leave her,” Melony said.

  “Even if I were to permit you to stay, I'll be too busy with making her into a vampire. With the amount of magic that just went up, even my protection gems won't hide it. If you aren't a part of a coven, that only means you’re easy pickings, and you have too much potential to die here just because you’re afraid to leave your friend. Come back another time, and you will be able to see her. But you must go," Valdero said.

  Melony was so confused and scared. “Who will be after me? More golems?” She hoped not. They creeped her out.

  Zola looked down and studied her, and Melony stared back. She wanted to know what Zola was thinking, but she held back and waited.

  “Everyone and anything. You have tremendous power. Not only that, you are a witch that isn't protected. To many, that is easy magic. They will drain you dry of your blood—use your body to make more witches until you can't take anymore and die. In this world, you only survive if you are the strongest or protected by the strongest. ”Valero’s tone was all serious.

  "You’re a lord! That must mean you can protect us until I know for sure Denelle is okay," Melony pleaded. She didn’t know much of this wolrd but she knew that Zola had helped her and trusted the vampire. And she knew she wanted to be near Denelle.

  "I'm sorry, I cannot." He did sound sorry.

  She looked at Zola. "Then you're powerful?"

  Zola looked as if Melony had hurt her feelings. "Um, kind of, but different. I'm not a witch like you."

  “You need to leave quickly, Zola. You have wasted enough time."

  Melony looked at Denelle as she laid in Valdero’s arms. She looked as if she was asleep.

  “We must go now,” Zola said.

  “Please take care of her,” Melony said.

  “I will. Once she is sired, she will be even more precious to me than my own life,” he said.

  She saw the truth in the way he already held her as if she was fragile. She may have thought Valdero was arrogant, but he didn't seem like such a bad guy now that he held her friend. She admitted he was attractive. Denelle would totally drool all over him; Melony laughed a little. She hoped it wouldn't be the last time she saw her best friend.

  “We will visit her at a later time when you have gained more power and can better protect yourself. Valdero is powerful and many will fear entering his territory, but there are just as many that will still come,” Zola said.

  Melony didn’t argue. She had no idea what this world was, but she had a feeling it was soon to become her new normal. Again, the colors and sounds went by so fast it all felt strange. When they stopped, they were in a room. One that Melony had never seen before.

  “Where are we?”

  “My home,” Zola said.

  Melony yawned; she felt so tired. So much had happened since earlier that morning. She turned her head and saw it was dark outside the window. It had been a long day, and she yawned again.

  “Why don’t you get some rest? You’ve had a busy day.”

  She looked at Zola. It had been a long day, but Zola had had just as long of a day. If she wasn’t going to sleep, then Melony could stay up. Zola smiled at her.

  “You're stubborn. I don’t really need sleep, but I can rest as well for a little bit. I need to be on the lookout.”

  Melony rubbed her eyes. It felt as if she had sand in them. “Will they find us here?”

  “No, and yes. You aren’t using any power right now, so it would be hard to track you but not impossible. My home is guarded with protection gems, but they aren't strong enough to protect us from powerful witches or wizards or anything that's more powerful than me.”

  Melony laid down. She would just rest a little, but she wouldn’t fall asleep. Zola stared at her as if she was something to marvel at. She got into the bed next to Melony, and she wrapped her arm around Melony’s middle, pulling her back. In the past, men had tried to cuddle, but Melony had felt awkward and had preferred for them to stay on their own side. But lying against Zola, she felt comfortable.

  More than comfortable. She felt aroused. She felt Zola’s breasts against her back, and she moved a little with the heat of desire. She started to get wet, and that had never happened before.

  She decided to ignore it, for now, since she still felt tired. Even if her pussy dripped with want, the rest of her body couldn’t even move. She closed her eyes as she sagged deeper against Zola.

  “Sleep, I'll be right here.”

  “Thank you, Zola.”

  Chapter Three


  She held Melony against her, even though she needed to go check the perimeters around the house. But holding Melony felt so right. She wasn’t bonded to the witch, but she felt so strongly toward her. It was impossible to ignore. Her dark brown skin was so soft it felt like silk against her hands. A shiver worked its way down Zola’s body. She wanted to moan just from touching Melony’s skin. She held it back for two reasons: one, she didn’t want to wake Melony, since she had finally fallen asleep; and two, because she didn’t want to seem weird.

  Melony probably already thought she was weird. Zola thought of herself as weird. She was helping a witch she was not bonded to. It was beyond her. And not only was Melony beautiful, but she was powerful. Not just a little powerful, but didn’t need a casting stone or book to conjure fire powerful. It was unheard of. Once she made a blood deal with Valdero, the whole forest had lit up with her power. It had confirmed Zola’s belief that Melony was like no other witch. Even her inner unicorn had relished in the feel of the power Melony had released.

  There were so many questions she had for Melony, but she didn’t think Melony would know the answers. She seemed clueless about what she was. She hadn’t even known that she was the one who had created that fire. Zola had been hunting the golems that had escaped the barriers. She’d hunted down the last two and wound up at Melony's apartment. When she crashed into the room, she wasn’t expecting the sight that greeted her.

  Melony in the middle of the room with fire surrounding her, but not one flame touched her. Instead, it touched the two golems that were next to her. The fire had been so hot it turned the golems to nothing but ashes. The fire had started to burn other things around the room, out of control, when Zola had told Melony to fix it, and she had looked so lost.

  Zola’s only option had been to get the witch out of the mess. Usu
ally, she would leave witches and wizards alone, but when those beautiful brown eyes looked to her, they were so lost and pleading for her help. And when Melony was stubborn, there was a fire in her eyes that lit a fire inside Zola. It was all so different, but she had helped Melony and her friend.

  She sighed. She had spent her life hunting golems and staying away from witches and wizards. Only two things happen to her kind when they were discovered: they were bonded against their will or hunted. She had seen plenty of her fellow unicorns hunted for their blood, horns, hooves, and mane. Parts of them had so much magical usage that they had almost been hunted into extinction.

  Unicorns and other magical creatures learned to stay away from witches and wizards, but here she was, wrapped around one. Her mother would be so disappointed in her. She started to uncurl from around Melony, the feel of disappointment making her feel uneasy. She pulled her arm away. No longer touching Melony, she felt cold. Heat radiated off of Melony, and she immediately missed the warmth and craved to curl back around her. Melony moved to get closer to her, as if even in her sleep she was also drawn to Zola. Her heart stuttered at the thought. She shouldn't want it, but she hoped Melony was just as drawn to her.

  She waited another minute for Melony to settle down. She soon was back to resting, no longer moving in her sleep. Zola brushed back a few curls from Melony's face. She couldn’t believe how stunning Melony was. She stared at her for a little while longer before getting out of the bed.

  It was pitch dark outside. Her vision was okay in the dark, but she needed to check on the protection gems. They couldn't hide their location, but it would stop anyone trying to get to them. Well, it would really be more of a detriment to the weak; the powerful could walk right through the spell no problem. With Melony here, she most likely needed to put up more gems. It would strengthen the protection circle a little more.

  She grabbed the bag of gems she had stored away, and saw there were only a few of them left. They weren't powerful, since she herself couldn't use magic. Magical creatures could use magic in a sense, but it was basically the lowest of abilities. She specialized in teleportation, because all unicorns had the ability to go places, that was their magic. So using magical gems was possible, but it wasn't strong by any means. She could at least activate the bases of the gem.