Beast Caller Read online

Page 24

  "Either is fine," Itsumi answered, as if she had felt Melony's curiosity.

  Nari moved closer to Melony, and again, Zola and Itsumi blocked her. Mateo moved with Nari, blocking any attacks that may come her way.

  "So what do you say?"

  Melony didn't think she had much of a choice. If she avoided it, they would die. If she took on the queen head on, she was most likely to die. But with Nari’s and possibly her brother’s help, she might be able to make it. "Who’s the third person again?"

  Nari smiled as if she knew Melony's answer already. "Lemy, though she doesn't know it yet. But she hates Queen Lydia, so I'm sure she'd be willing to leave."

  "Why hasn't she left already?"

  Nari shrugged. "Why haven't any of us left? It's simple. Queen Lydia offers the best for all her coven witches. Going to a different coven could mean starvation, death, constantly fighting… She offers safety."

  Melony wasn't seeing why anyone would side with her against Lydia at that point.

  "But it all comes at a price. She requires your magic, and that's taxing. People have died from giving too much magic away. And she chooses who you bond with and/or marry. It’s annoying. There is no freedom."

  Melony’s eyes traveled to Mateo, wondering if he was chosen for Nari or if she had chosen him.

  "Thank goddess I had bonded with Mateo before coming here."

  "You have two shadow creatures," Itsumi said.

  Nari nodded. "I do. The other one is Vex. She’s currently sweeping around to make sure no one tries to pull us out of the shadow realm."

  "Did you choose her?"

  Nari looked hesitant. "Not at first, but after some time, I wouldn't trade her for the world. Vex is like a part of my soul."

  She sounded sincere, so Melony nodded, understanding the soul feeling. She'd been bonded with Itsumi and Zola for less time, but still, she could feel them rooted to her soul.

  "So, the plan is for you to claim a coven, and then three of us will walk up."

  Melony huffed out a breath. "Okay, make sure you guys come down."

  Nari smiled and nodded vigorously, her red hair going everywhere. The inky blackness disappeared, and once again, they were back in the dining hall. The lights in the room burned Melony's eyes, but she was happy to be back in the light.

  The conversation had kept her mind occupied, but no longer surrounded by the darkness, she was sure she would have lost her cool. She stood there, still holding Zola’s and Itsumi’s hands, and she had no plans of letting them go, enjoying the warm connection to them both. They stood next to the table, and Nari stood across from them, a huge smile still plastered on her face. Melony was about to make a remark about the smile when Evelyn came crashing into the table.

  "You okay?" Melony let go of Zola’s and Itsumi’s hands to help Evelyn up.

  "Yes, sorry. I was looking all over the place for you." She sounded panic.


  Evelyn smiled at her and quickly brushed the food off herself. "Come on, we’re late." She gripped Melony’s arm right above the null cuff and tugged.

  Melony looked at Nari before moving along with Evelyn. Nari winked at her before turning back around and picking the table up. Itsumi and Zola both walked alongside Melony. Evelyn walked so fast it might have been considered a jog.

  "Can we slow down?" Melony asked. She was in no hurry to go to her doom.

  Evelyn’s blue eyes turned to her, and there was sadness and understanding in them. "Sorry."

  Melony shook her head. "No need to apologize. I know you're just doing your job."

  Evelyn looked down, as if ashamed, and Melony felt bad for making her feel that way. She knew that Evelyn was only doing what she was told.

  "Why don't you lead the way, and we’ll follow."

  Evelyn nodded and turned to lead the way. Melony held back the sigh that wanted to escape.

  She felt as if she was either sighing or yelling lately.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Walking into the room where Melony's trial was being held had Itsumi on edge. Her eyes traveled around; nearly all the stands were full. Lydia's coven wasn't the largest, but it was fairly big. Everyone wasn't there yet, some were still out looking for the person who had released the enormous amount of magic. They all looked around blindly, but Melony was right there under their noses. Only Nari had figured it out so far, but Itsumi wasn't sure about the witch.

  Itsumi was naturally skeptical of witches. Well, all witches except Melony. She glanced over to where Melony walked with her head up, her brown skin glowing with beauty. Itsumi turned back to face what was inadvertently their doom. She wouldn't feel any regret for bonding with Melony, because it was the best thing she could ever feel. Feeling connected to Melony was incredible. She could feel all of Melony's emotions. Without her saying anything, Itsumi knew what she wanted. She couldn't read her mind, but it felt as if they were one.

  "You two can go take a seat," the councilman commanded as he pointed to the seating area.

  "They will stay right here with me," Melony replied.

  The surety in her voice was strong, and the councilman’s surprised look showed that he wasn't used to anyone speaking to him in that matter. Itsumi caught Lydia staring at them. Itsumi knew that Lydia had figured it out instantly, because of the way her red lips went tight, showing her displeasure. Itsumi would have laughed and gloated, but even she knew how serious of a situation they were in.

  The councilman seemed to have recovered as he took a menacing step toward Melony. Itsumi and Zola both took a step forward without a second thought, and Itsumi growled in warning. She wouldn’t let the councilman near Melony—not if she had something to say about it. He stopped and stared at Zola and Itsumi. His own magical creature appeared next to him.

  Itsumi eyed the pixie. She would keep her eyes on it, but she wasn’t worried about it. She was more concerned with the witch who dared to take a step toward Melony.

  “You are bonded?” He said it as a question, but Itsumi knew that he could see the magical threads that tied them all together. “How is that possible?”

  Melony moved, walking over to the single chair that was meant for her and sitting down. She made the simple black plastic chair look like a throne. She crossed her legs and stared at the councilman. She didn’t seem to be in any rush to answer him. Itsumi and Zola both walked over to stand on either side of Melony.

  “She has null cuffs on.” Whispers around the room erupted in wonderment of Melony.

  Itsumi stood taller. The whispers spoke of how Melony was bonded to two powerful creatures and that she’d done it with the null cuffs on. Rumors spread like a wildfire and everyone started to talk louder. Voices no longer whispering.

  “Was she the one who released so much power?”

  “Is she more powerful than the queen?”

  Itsumi hadn’t expected anyone to voice that opinion, mainly with the queen sitting in the room. Itsumi moved closer to Melony. Lydia could be temperamental, especially when her power was in question.

  “Enough,” Lydia announced.

  The room went silent in seconds, no one making a sound, not even hushed whispers. Lydia moved into the middle of the room, from where she had been sitting in a throne-like chair in the audience. “Councilman Leo, if you would inspect the null cuffs, we can put this rumor to bed.”

  Leo nodded and moved over to Melony, but Itsumi blocked his path. He glared at her, but she didn’t care. She wouldn’t let him touch Melony unless she said it was okay.

  “It’s fine,” Melony said. Her hand touched Itsumi’s back, and the connection calmed Itsumi instantly.

  Itsumi moved to the side to let Leo through, but she glared at him, making sure he knew her displeasure. She showed her sharp teeth as an extra precaution. He took a step back, and Itsumi was satisfied that she had put some fear into him.

  Melony held her wrist out, and Leo seemed to remember why he had walked over there in the first plac
e. He reached out and inspected Melony’s wrist, where the cuffs were obviously still intact. He turned them each over a few times, his face scrunched with confusion and squinted his eyes. He bent over to get a better look, eyeing the gems that didn’t have any cracks in them. He soon let her wrist go and took a few steps back before turning to speak.

  “The cuffs and the gems are still intact.” He dusted off invisible dust from his shoulder. “There are no cracks or indications she’s used any magic.”

  The crowd erupted once more, people shouting to be heard. Itsumi couldn’t pick out one single voice. Everyone was saying different things, but it all amounted to Melony not being the cause of the magical release the night before. Itsumi wanted to shake her head at how wrong everyone was, but then that would get them in more trouble.

  Lydia’s face broke out in a huge smile as she turned around to address the audience. The room had started to fill up with more people. Nearly everyone was there, and Itsumi knew it was meant to be a demonstration. Melony had denied Lydia, and now Lydia was making a show of it. Not to mention, Zola and Itsumi had both declined to bond with her.

  “There you have it. She couldn’t possibly be the cause of any magic,” Lydia said.

  The room erupted in shouts, people calling Melony all type of names. Their anger pointed at her made Itsumi’s blood boil. They were upset with her over their own stupidity, screaming that she was stupid for denying Queen Lydia’s offer. Itsumi would never understand them. Seconds ago they all thought she was this wonder, and then the next second, they hated her. Itsumi could feel how the words hurt Melony, but when she glanced over to her, Melony was sitting in the chair, her face unchanging to show how the words affected her.

  In that moment, Itsumi was wowed by Melony and how she held herself. For someone who had only just joined this world, Melony could hold her own easily.

  Lydia’s hands went up to silence the crowd, and she turned an evil smile toward Melony before going back to her seat. “By all means, continue with this trial.”

  Leo nodded and moved over to the middle of room, gaining everyone's attention. “You are all here to witness this. We have the child of Engi and Snow, renowned witches known for the death and mayhem they caused.” He paused and the crowd didn’t disappoint, booing and calling Melony a murderer’s child. “I personally can see the evil that is within this witch and would damn her to death if it was my choice. Who is to say she will not be like her mother and father—a danger to all kinds?” Leo circled around as the crowd started to shout death.

  Itsumi growled. She wouldn’t let any of them near Melony. They all wanted her dead based on the fact of who her parents were.

  Leo let the crowd shout for a while longer before calming them down. “But of course, I am a man of the council, and council rules dictate that she be given a trial.”

  Boos accompanied his declaration, and he had a fake frown on his face.

  “First, we must determine if she is truly the daughter of the two killer witches.” Leo turned his eyes on Melony. He pulled out a book and whispered words, and a stand with a black bowl appeared. He put away his book and turned expectantly to Melony. “Remove the cuffs.”

  Fezi appeared in front of them, her face neutral as she reached for Melony’s wrists. Melony stayed still, letting Fezi remove the cuffs from her wrists. Just as fast as the tree elf had appeared, she disappeared.

  With the cuffs off, a flood of power rushed through Itsumi, nearly knocking her off her feet. Her hand went quickly to the chair Melony sat in to help keep her from falling. She glanced over and Zola also had her hand on the chair, and her eyebrow twitched. With the cuffs off, they could feel Melony's magic at full blast. It was almost too much for Itsumi to handle. It had felt like that while they bonded, but once it was done, the magic had calmed down. Itsumi looked to Melony once again astounded at how much power she had.

  Melony stood, unaffected by the amount of magic she had. As she moved toward Leo, Itsumi pushed off the chair and moved to stay behind Melony, her steps getting steadier the further they walked.

  They stood at the bowl. Itsumi noticed the bowl was clear, but the liquid in the bowl was black, and it looked thick like sludge.

  “Cut your hand and place it into the bowl,” Leo directed. He extended a knife and Itsumi took it from him.

  Melony offered her hand to Itsumi. Itsumi didn’t cut her. She held Melony's hand, waiting for her to look her way. Melony's brown eyes turned to Itsumi, and there was a determined look that hadn’t been there earlier. Not even when they’d spoken with Nari about the plan.

  The corners of Melony's mouth lifted into a small smile. Oh, how Itsumi wanted to kiss her, to press her lips against Melony’s, but she held back. It wasn’t the time or place. She made a small cut in the palm of Melony’s hand. Blood beaded up, and Itsumi reluctantly released Melony's warm hand.

  Melony smiled at her once more before turning to face Leo again. “What do I do?”

  “Drip a few drops of blood into the bowl and all will tell.”

  Melony didn’t move, holding her hand away from the bowl. “They are my parents. I don’t need a bowl of shit to tell me that.”

  Leo’s eyebrows scrunched together as he stared at Melony. “Are you refusing the test? If you are you are claiming Egin and Snow as your rightful parents, then we will move onto the trial of crimes.”

  He sounded too happy about it for Itsumi’s liking.

  “You want to punish me for a crime I didn’t commit? What happened to innocent until proven guilty?”

  The room erupted into laughter.

  “This is not a human court. You’re guilty unless proven that you’re innocent.” Leo took a step toward the bowl. “If you refuse the test, then we will declare that you are, in fact, Egin and Snow’s offspring. You will be tried for the murders they committed.”

  Anger ran hot through Itsumi, and she knew it wasn’t her anger alone. No, Melony was just as upset with how things were panning out.

  “If I’m found innocent?”

  Leo laughed. It was a laugh that lacked any humor. “You yourself have said your parents are Egin and Snow. Their crimes are documented and there is no changing that. You either attest to being their child or drop your blood into the bowl and we will know for sure.” He shrugged. “It’s your choice.”

  Was it?

  It felt to Itsumi as if Melony had no choice in the matter. Either way she was doomed. Lydia stood and Itsumi got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  A cruel smile curved Lydia's lips. “There is another option.”

  All heads turned to hear the queen speak. Itsumi wanted to tell her to shut up and sit down. Itsumi looked over to Melony as she still clutched her bleeding hand away from the bowl, her eyes focused on Lydia.

  Itsumi had the distinct feeling Melony was humoring the queen. If Melony could play the part, then Itsumi could as well. Itsumi turned to focus on Lydia and the lies that would inevitably spew from her lips.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Melony thought long and hard, holding herself back. She was sure setting the queen bitch of witches on fire was going to get her in more trouble, but really, how much more trouble could she get into? She was pretty sure Leo—the shit-for-brains councilman—was gunning for the death penalty, because of who her parents were.

  The cut in her hand was a small ache, the blood dropping to the floor. She really should have made up her mind before Itsumi sliced open her hand.

  Lydia stood with the crowd, looking smug, as if she had already won, but she had no idea what Melony had planned. Melony didn’t know what she had planned either, but she knew for a fact that she wasn’t going to let Lydia get her way.

  “Come now, Councilman Leo, surely she won't have to go through this. She’s obviously clueless about our ways,” the pompus queen said.

  Her fake sincerity wasn’t working on Melony; she saw it for what it really was. The crowd around them whispered about what a great queen sh
e was. Melony wanted to laugh; she was no such thing. She’d wrongly accused Melony, had her tortured, and the only reason Melony was released was because Lydia had her eyes on Zola. And without Melony, there was no Zola. That realization had her thankful that Zola hadn’t run. If she had left Melony behind…

  Melony stopped herself there. She didn’t want to think about how she would still be stuck in the pink room.

  “If she agrees to join my coven and work a few missions, then this whole mess can be put to rest?” She asked it as if it was a question, but Melony was pretty sure they had planned all of this.

  What was with Lydia’s obsession with getting Melony to join her coven? Was getting a unicorn that hard?

  “Oh, how gracious of you, Queen Lydia,” he praised.

  The crowd seemed to agree, and Melony rolled her eyes, done holding back exactly what she thought of the bullshit they were spewing. Leo opened his mouth, but Melony was done listening to the rehearsed lines.

  “Thank you, oh great queen.” Melony allowed all the sarcasm she could muster to come through. “I won’t be needing that offer.” She turned to look at Leo. “I want to declare my own coven.”

  The surprised sounds and looks would have been comical if it wasn’t her life on the line.

  “You have no grounds to declare a coven,” Leo spat out.

  Melony didn’t hesitate. “I do and have.” She didn’t know it for sure, but Nari had said she did, so she was going with that.

  Leo looked as if he had eaten a lemon. “Do you have three other witches to back your claim?”

  Fingers crossed. “I do.”

  There were gasps from the crowd, and Melony turned to see what the commotion was about. Sure enough, Nari had rose, walked down the middle of the room, and now stood a few inches behind Melony, but she was there, standing with her head held high. To Melony’s surprise, Phillis, Nari’s brother, was there, standing right next to her with his cape on. He didn’t even look reluctant.