Beast Caller Read online

Page 23

  Melony focused back on following Evelyn and caught her watching them over her shoulder. Melony smiled at her, and a blush crept up Evelyn’s neck and face. They traveled farther than before, walking past the room Melony had eaten in the day before, and her stomach growled, reminding her she’d only eaten once the day before. "Can we stop and grab something to eat?"

  Evelyn stopped to look at the eating hall, and Melony saw the worry on her face. She had opened her mouth to dismissed the notion when Evelyn turned and walked into the room. Melony did a little happy dance in her head. She wouldn’t outright do it, knowing it had to be a hard choice for Evelyn, but Melony was starving.

  Chapter Twenty


  They entered the dining hall, and there was barely anyone in the room. Only a few people sat at tables, snacking on food. Melony didn't hesitate; she went over to the spread of food and piled her plate high with meat and bread and a few vegetables. It had to be lunch time, because there was no breakfast food. She was a little disappointed, since breakfast was her favorite meal of the day.

  Melony sat down with her food, Zola and Itsumi next to her with every step she took. They had been with her before, but now that she was bonded to them, it felt even better. She turned to ask Evelyn if she would sit with them, but Evelyn walked away to go talk to another servant who was dressed the same way. Melony bit into her food and nearly choked when Nari jostled the table, surprising Melony. She hadn't seen Nari coming, which was strange, because her bright red hair stood out.

  "Hey Melony," Nari said, obviously in a chipper mood.

  Itsumi passed a glass of water over to Melony, and she gladly took it, trying to wash down the piece of bread that had lodged itself in her throat.

  "Hey Nari," she croaked out.

  Nari's head turned to the side as if she was confused. "You okay? You sound like you ate froggesi."

  Melony knew she didn't want to know, but her curiosity was burning inside of her. "What is froggesi?"

  Nari's eyebrows pinched together. "Uhh, it's a dessert, and sometimes eating too much of it can leave your throat scratchy and your voice sounds funny."

  Why would anyone eat a dish with those side effect? Melony didn't know, but she wasn't curious enough to ask either.

  "So did you feel it last night?" Nari practically jumped up and down as she asked her question.

  Melony looked over to Zola and Itsumi. After the bonding, they made it back to the room and she had passed out. Not even ice water would have been able to wake her up. "Feel what?"

  Nari shook her head with disbelief. "The whole coven felt the magic last night. It was insane."

  Melony stopped, unsure if she’d heard Nari right. "What do you mean?"

  Nari rolled her eyes at Melony. "It's why no one is here. Last night, there was a huge release of magic."

  She crouched down as if to tell a secret, and Melony leaned forward, wanting to hear what Nari had to say.

  "Right now, they’re saying it was Queen Lydia, but…" Nari looked side to side, trying to see if anyone was listening in on the conversation. "I think it's just a cover-up. Don't get me wrong, Queen Lydia is powerful. She has a shit ton of power, but I don't think she has enough to release that much power."

  Nari pulled back, standing and turning again as if to double check that no one was close enough to hear what she had said.

  Melony chewed on her bottom lip; a nervous habit that sometimes showed itself. She wondered if it had been her when she bonded with Zola and Itsumi at the same time? She glanced to Itsumi and Zola, and they both had stopped eating and were looking at Nari intently.

  "Who do you think it was?" Melony asked.

  Nari shrugged. "No idea, but whoever it is was insane to release that much power in Queen Lydia's territory."

  Melony looked down at her plate. She hadn't known she’d released power. She wasn't all that hungry anymore, and it had everything to do with the fact she still had no idea about anything.

  "All the guards and half of the witches in the coven are out trying to find the spell that was cast, but still nothing has shown up." Nari pulled a chair out from the table and took a seat. Now that the news was out, she sat and looked more relaxed. Nari placed her head in her hands, resting her head as if she was exhausted.

  "Why aren't you out there looking?"

  Nari rolled her eyes. "I was. I've been up since the incident last night. I came in for a break." She yawned and stretched her arms above her head, attesting to how tired she really was.

  "Why not go to bed?" Melony picked at her food, but she tried to make it look casual. She didn't want to let on that she might be the cause of Nari's lack of sleep.

  Nari shook her head as she rubbed her tired eyes. "Can't. There's supposed to be this big event later on today. The council was called for and Queen Lydia has requested all witches that aren't on missions to attend."

  Melony sighed. "Yeah, a bullshit trial," she muttered. Now she really wasn't hungry. She pushed the plate away.

  Nari sat up. "Trial?"

  Melony nodded and glanced at Itsumi and Zola. Neither one moved. So Melony took that to mean she hadn't made a mistake telling Nari about the trial. She was going to be there anyway, so there really wasn't a big deal.

  "What did you do?" Nari asked.

  Melony opened her mouth, but she shut it before answering. She hadn't done anything. She'd been accused constantly, but not once had she actually done anything that they were blaming her for. "Nothing."

  Nari stared at her for a second before Itsumi stood abruptly. In a blink of an eye, Zola had the knife Melony had brought over to cut her steak pressed against Nari's throat.

  "What's going on?" Melony looked to each of them.

  Itsumi’s fist was closed around something. Her hand was slightly open, but Melony couldn't make out what she was holding. She knew there was something, but no matter how she squinted her eyes, she couldn't see it.

  "Pull back," Zola demanded.

  Nari didn't even blink, sitting there calmly with a knife pressed to her throat. Itsumi growled, and Melony instantly sat up straighter. She knew the growl wasn't for her, but it sounded dangerous. Nari closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

  "Come back, Mateo," Nari commanded.

  Nothing happened that Melony could tell.

  Nari glared at Itsumi. "If you would let him go," she gritted out.

  Itsumi’s hand opened up, and Melony saw something move toward Nari. Zola moved back to stand next to Melony, but both her and Itsumi were on guard. Melony could feel Itsumi’s anger, and Zola’s as well. It was almost too much for her for both of them to be upset at the same time.

  "What's going on?" she asked for the second time.

  "She sent her shadow over toward you," Itsumi said.

  Melony's own anger filled her. She looked to Nari. For a second, she had thought they could be friends. Now, she wasn't so sure.

  "He wasn't going to do anything."

  Melony glared at Nari, not sure she could believe her.

  Nari put her hands up in a placating motion. "Sorry, but I needed to know if you were being honest."

  "Why would I lie?"

  Nari flinched from Melony's tone. "Sorry, it's a natural thing to do." She looked to Zola and Itsumi, her eyes squinting at them.

  "Natural to send your friend over to check people out instead of just asking?" Melony asked.

  Nari's eyes shifted back to Melony. "Yeah."

  Melony sighed, rubbing her forehead with her fingers. "Something is seriously fucked up with this world."

  "Have you always been bonded?" Nari asked out of nowhere.

  Melony head shot up, and she panicked for a second before taking in a few breaths. "Why?"

  Nari looked at Melony, her eyes shifting down to Melony's arms where the null cuffs still wrapped around her wrists.

  "With those on?" she asked with skepticism in her voice.

  Melony didn't have an answer. She no longer thought of Nari as so
meone she could really trust.

  Nari put her hand up just as Melony opened her mouth to answer her. "Wait, don't tell me. Don't say anything out loud." Her fingers went through her thick red hair, and her eyes closed. "Mateo, come out."

  Next to Nari stood a tall man with long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He didn't have a shirt on, showing off his abs and muscles. Along the side of his ribs was a huge tattoo. Melony glanced at him before returning her focus to Nari. She wondered why Nari had called out Mateo—and where the fuck had he come from exactly?

  Melony felt no desire for Mateo. She was pretty sure it was because all her desire was currently toward Itsumi and Zola, and they both had muscles and abs—not as manly, but it was perfect for Melony.

  Nari looked at Melony. "I know you probably don't trust me, but in order for us to help, I need your okay."

  Melony was suspicious of Nari, but there was still a part of her that thought maybe Nari was a good person. She sighed, knowing which part she was going to choose to listen to. She knew if she asked Itsumi and Zola, they would both say no and to walk away.

  "They come with," Melony commanded.

  Nari nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. "Stay still." She glanced over to Mateo. "Do a sweep, then in the shadows."

  Blackness covered them and Melony instantly shot her hands out, fear gripping her so tightly that she nearly screamed. Her heart raced at a speed that wasn’t humanly possible. Warm hands clutched both of her hands. She knew right away that Zola and Itsumi had grabbed onto her. Maybe it was the bond they all shared now. However she knew, Melony was thankful for it. She could feel their reassurances as they still held her hands, and her heart rate slowed down steadily.


  Melony opened her eyes, not knowing when she had closed them. She took in deep breaths before looking to Nari. Nari's face was scrunched up with worry as she moved to get closer to Melony. Itsumi and Zola both stood in her way, neither one of them letting go of Melony.

  Her breathing came under control, and now that her eyes were open, she could see a dim light, but most of the room was nothing but inky blackness. There was no other way to describe it. Even the small light didn't penetrate the rest of the room, only giving a small glow to the area they were in.

  "Melony," Nari called out again.

  Melony nodded, not sure her voice was ready to work just yet. Nari looked ready to ask Melony what was wrong, but she really couldn't handle that question. At this point, what wasn't wrong with her?

  "Why did you bring us here?" Itsumi asked.

  Melony squeezed her hand in a thank you, and Itsumi squeezed back.

  Nari didn't say anything at first, but she shook her head before she looked back at Melony. "Were you the cause of the magic last night?"

  New fear coursed through Melony.

  "Before you deny it—or your two bonded creatures attack—I'm asking because there is no way you bonded with them with the cuffs on. So that brings me to my next question: how did you get the cuffs off?"

  Melony didn't know if it was her emotions or Zola's or Itsumi, but she was struck with a sudden calmness. One that kind of scared her a little. It was a feeling as if she could kill Nari or watch her die without batting an eyelash. She would simply walk away as if Nari had never spoken to her and she didn't care for human life. Melony shook with the realization. The silence in the room was drastic, no one even breathing.

  "I knew it," Nari shouted out.

  Itsumi moved and Mateo appeared in front of Nari in a fighting stance.

  Melony tugged Itsumi back as she watched Nari ignore what was happening, too busy dancing in a circle.

  "What are you doing?" Melony asked.

  Nari stopped dancing and turned a happy face toward Melony. "I thought it might have been you." Nari waved her hands in the air as if she couldn't find the words to describe what she wanted, so she thought her hands would be able to do the job. "This is awesome."

  Melony was back on the crazy rollercoaster. She had no idea what the hell was going on, but she figured Nari being happy may play into her favor. "Why is it great?"

  Nari blinked at her. "You can't be serious, right?"

  Melony sighed. She was getting tired of everyone believing she was supposed to know everything about the world they lived in. She was raised human, believed she had been human her whole life, and then bam! She isn't human. "No, I'm not kidding."

  Nari looked to Itsumi and Zola, and Melony saw both of them shrug at Nari. She really wished people would get the hint that she was fucking confused by everything they talked about.

  "This means you can leave if you want. You can start your own coven. You don't have to follow Queen Lydia." Nari sounded so happy Melony almost thought it was her that would be able to leave.

  "Why are you happy about that?"

  Nari looked confused for a second before realization crossed her face.

  "Well, you can't start a coven without at least three witches. I can be one and my brother. I know he is a complete ass, but he is a powerful witch and he warms up in about three years." Nari started to pace. "We would need just one more." Her eyebrows pinched together, obviously lost in concentration.

  "Start a coven? Who said I would want to do that?" Melony had no desire to start a coven or do anything that involved herself going further into this realm. She wanted to finish the trial up and get out of there as soon as possible. Maybe she could even go back to school and retake the classes from this semester. She had clearly failed them now that she’d missed…

  She paused. She had no idea how long she'd been gone.


  Another thing she hated about the shit she was in. She had no idea how much time passed while she was being tortured. Before the thoughts could flood her mind, she focused back on Nari.

  "Would you honestly want to be under another witch? You would constantly be treated as a danger. Always watched and limited on everything you do. And some covens don't have a king or queen, just a leader. Those covens end up serving under others, like vampires, werewolves, and elves. I'm telling you right now, they would drain you dry of all of your magic."

  Melony looked to Itsumi and Zola, needing their input. "What do you two think about this?"

  "You're asking them?"

  Melony looked to Nari, and she stared at Melony with wonderment.

  "Yes, whatever choice I make it involves them too. Is that going to be a problem?"

  Nari shook her head right away. "You're very strange, but I like it." Nari looked to Itsumi and Zola, waiting on their answers.

  "What she is proposing is dangerous," Zola said.

  Melony nodded; she’d figured as much.

  "It would be funny to see Lydia's face when you claimed the power of a coven," Itsumi laughed.

  Nari jumped on her tippy toes with excitement. "I agree. She would get super red but act all polite. Especially since a representative from the witch council is here."

  Melony wasn't sure this was a good idea. "So let's get this straight: what exactly do I do to claim my own coven?" Melony thought about her question. "Not that I'm saying I’m going along with this idea," she added.

  Nari’s smile was infectious, but Melony was determined to not go along with something that would either get her killed or pulled further into the madness they called their world.

  "Easy really. In front of the council, you declare your own coven. And when he asks ‘do you have three other witches,’ me, my brother, and…" She hit her chin with her finger, thinking. "Oh, and Lemy. We’ll all come down and stand by your side. Then you’ll be required to fill out some paperwork, and then—tada!—done."

  Melony stood there in disbelief. It couldn't be that simple. If it was, then why did Zola say it was dangerous? "I feel like you're not telling me everything."

  Nari had the nerve to try and look innocent. Melony got the distinct feeling that Nari was one of those girls who was never really innocent. She was too mischievous. She looked as if sh
e had fun stirring the pot and watching people suffer.

  "Fair enough. So there is a little bit of a hiccup maybe."

  Melony rolled her eyes. "And that would be?"

  Nari twirled her finger around a strand of her deep red hair. "If the queen challenges you…"

  Melony got the gut feeling that would be the last thing she wanted. "What would happen during this challenge?"

  Nari shrugged. "It's different for every coven. She could challenge you to a magical fight, or she could challenge you in a feat of endurance." Nari sounded as if she really wasn't sure.

  Melony sighed. Shit continued to get confusing. "And if I just say no, I don't want to challenge her?"

  Nari tsked. "That would be a no go then. It would mean you aren't ready for a coven, and then you would be charged with false claims. The council would then be able to lock you away for a few years."

  Great. This was getting better by the second.

  Melony rubbed her forehead again. "If I go through with the trial without challenging or claiming my own coven?"

  Nari shook her head. "If I could figure it out, so can they. As soon as everyone realizes that you now have two claimed magical creatures, they will put two and two together. You either take it into your own hands or let them decide."

  "Fuck," Melony swore.

  "I hate to admit it, but she's right. Once they realize you have bonded us, they won't hesitate to start making things harder for you," Itsumi said.

  "Like shit has been easy this whole time," said Melony grudgingly.

  "Plus, you didn't just bond with anyone. You bonded with a unicorn and kitsune. Something Queen Lydia has yet to accomplish."

  "A kitsu-what?"

  Nari looked at her as if she had lost her mind, and honestly, Melony felt as if she had.

  "A kitsune. They are also known as multi-tailed foxes. When they have more than two tails, they are usually called by the number of tails they have." Nari’s eyes went over to Itsumi. “I’ve never seen the number of tails she has, but I’m sure it's more than two.”

  "Oh," Melony said. She turned to Itsumi. Itsumi had said multi-tailed foxes. She wondered which she preferred.