Beast Caller Read online

Page 21

  Itsumi laughed, and Melony was in the air, moving toward the pillows. Itsumi laid her down and got under the covers next to her. Melony smiled at her. That worked. Zola shook her head, but got in on the other side of Melony.

  "Don't think I forgot about my questions." Melony yawned and snuggled in. "After this nap, we are having a talk."

  "Sure thing," Itsumi said.

  "We will answer any questions you have," Zola said.

  Melony nodded, her eyes already closed. Her eyes popped open before sleep took her, and she looked at both of them to make sure they were still there. She needed to make sure. She knew they were there, but the fear that it was fake still clung to her. Like a dirty stain that couldn’t be washed away.

  “Melony, you okay?” Zola asked.

  Melony nodded, her heart racing slightly at the thought of them leaving her and everything being fake. “Just don’t leave, okay?”

  Itsumi scooted closer to Melony, wrapping her arms around her. Zola did the same on the other side. She was sandwiched between them. It was a little too warm, but she didn’t want to tell either one of them to back up.

  “I don’t know what happened to you while you were locked up, but I promise you: we are real, and we are here,” Itsumi said.

  “We won't leave you, Melony,” Zola said.

  Their words calmed her more than anything ever had. She was happy neither one of them asked for specifics, since she didn’t think she was ready to talk about it. To relive everything that had happened to her. She would rather lock it away. It might not be healthy for her, but she couldn’t go through it again. Not even mentally.

  She nodded, too choked up for words. She closed her eyes and finally let sleep take her.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Itsumi held Melony to her. To think, she had gone so long without such a connection to someone. She had never felt the need to allow her emotions out or converse with many people, but with Melony, it was different. She didn't feel as if she had to fake the conversation or try to be polite. With Melony, she could be herself.

  She was willing to give everything up for Melony, and not one part of her thought it was a stupid idea. Melony was more than just a witch to her. She would give her freedom up, and she would bond with Melony. Something no fox had done in the past hundred years. Not since the Fox God ruled it to be taboo and to no longer allow it.

  Itsumi moved closer to Melony in the bed. There wasn't a gap between them, her body flush against Melony's. She could feel Zola’s legs and arms as well, and she was happy that she wasn't the only one who felt so strongly about Melony. If Itsumi shared Melony with anyone, it would be Zola.

  She listened to Melony's soothing heartbeat, letting it lull her back to sleep. Sinking into the emptiness that was sleep, she heard the noise that had woken her in the first place. Itsumi focused on the sound again. it almost sounded as if someone was knocking.

  Itsumi lifted her head and opened her eyes, the soft glow from the light ball showing nothing in the otherwise quiet room. Itsumi stayed still, concentrating on trying to hear the knocking noise once more. After a few minutes of silence, Itsumi shrugged and moved to lay back down.

  Before she could settle, the knock happened again. It was soft but deliberate. Itsumi sat up fully and started to move out of the bed. The bed moved a little and Itsumi turned to let Zola know she would handle it. For them to only have met recently, they understood each other easily. Zola nodded without Itsumi saying anything, and Itsumi knew that Zola would protect Melony.

  Itsumi crept out of the bed, slipping her clothes back on, and she didn't make a sound. Since the day she was born, she was trained not to make noise. Foxes were meant to work behind the scenes, and Itsumi was the best at it.

  Cloaking herself in her glamour, she turned back to the bed and decided to hide them as well. Hopefully, Melony wouldn't wake up and talk. Itsumi slowly opened the door and crept out, looking down both sides of the hallway. Seeing nothing outside the room, she moved to go check the area out when she ran right into Mezi. Itsumi stepped back, her guard up, and she dropped the glamour around her to strengthen the one around Zola and Melony. It all took milliseconds. Itsumi was skillful at the art of glamouring.

  Mezi stared at her with empty eyes, no emotion in them. Itsumi had seen what Mezi was capable of, and if she was here for Melony, Itsumi would fight her full on before she allowed the tree elf to get anywhere near her.

  "What do you want?" Itsumi sounded gruff.

  Mezi’s empty eyes looked behind Itsumi and the fine hairs on Itsumi’s neck stood at attention. She didn't move to block Mezi's view, trusting in her glamour, but it didn't mean the tree elf wouldn't do something.

  "Mezi, don't just stand there." Fezi came walking down the hallway. The twin tree elves looked so much alike. both with their light blue hair and small stature. The only way to tell them apart was that one of them had lively eyes and the other had dead eyes.

  "Sorry, Fezi," Mezi whispered. Even when she spoke, it was quiet.

  Fezi shook her head at her sister, and she shrugged as if she knew Mezi couldn't help the way she acted. “Are you going to stand there blocking the door, fox, or are you going to let us in?"

  Itsumi was tempted to let them stay out in the hallway. She didn't want them anywhere near Melony, not until she knew their motives. It wouldn't be safe, and she’d be damned if she put Melony in harm ways. "We can go—"

  "I want to see the witch, and we both know she is in the room. It's why you're guarding it," Mezi said.

  "No one is here." Itsumi opened the door wider, allowing the tree elves to see in the room.

  Mezi didn't take her eyes off of Itsumi. It was as if they were in a battle of wills. Any other time, Itsumi would have simply walked away, not caring, but it wasn't just her life anymore.

  "I have to say, when you're serious, you are formidable." Mezi sighed. "We are not here to cause any harm to the witch or to you. We need to talk." The last part Mezi said in such a quiet voice that Itsumi had to bend over to hear it.

  Itsumi looked at them. Tree elves couldn't tell a lie, but they could get around a truth. She contemplated turning them away, but she also knew if they were going to get some answers, the elves were needed. They seemed to know things about Melony that Zola and Itsumi didn't. Itsumi heard movement in the room and knew it was Zola letting her know she would be ready for anything.

  "Fine, but one wrong move and I won't hesitate," Itsumi threatened.

  Fezi nodded but Itsumi was really focused on Mezi. She was dangerous. Fezi was the brains, but Mezi was a bloody sword that would cut anything down. Itsumi couldn't really talk, since she was the same, but at least she hadn't lost herself. She still knew who she was, and she didn't let the blood and death cling so tightly to her that it buried who she was. That's exactly what Mezi was; she was only death now.

  They both walked into the room, but Itsumi waited to remove the glamour. She knew the twins knew that Melony was in the room, but they didn't know where. Fezi's eyes scanned the room, but Mezi focused only on the bed.

  Damn it.

  Itsumi removed her hood, since there was no reason to keep her face hidden.

  Leave it to Fezi to know exactly where Melony was. Itsumi removed the glamour slowly, giving Zola time to prepare. Soon, Melony and Zola were both visible. Melony sat up in the bed, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Itsumi saw the black shirt covering her naked flesh and that Zola was dressed as well. Itsumi was impressed. She hadn't heard Zola get up, but she expected nothing less from such a renowned warrior.

  "You are Zola of the Opal heard," Fezi pointed out.

  Zola sat up straighter in the bed, moving slightly so that Melony was guarded behind her.

  "Yes, and you must be the tree elf that Itsumi spoke of."

  Fezi turned a smiling face at Itsumi before turning back to speak with Zola. "Yes." She tilted her head to the side. "And you are Melony. A witch soon to be known by many."

  The l
ast part confused Itsumi, but she knew asking would be futile. The elf would just avoid the answer at all costs.

  Melony yawned, looking at the twin tree elves, and her eyes grew big with acknowledgment. "Yeah." She squinted her eyes at Fezi. "But you're not the one who put these cuffs on me."

  Fezi shook her head. "No, that would be my sister, Mezi."

  Mezi moved forward, as if hearing her name meant she was being called.

  "It is rare for someone to be able to tell us apart," Fezi admited.

  Melony shrugged. "It's not that hard. She has sad eyes, and you at least pretend to smile."

  Fezi seemed caught off guard by the observation, but she quickly recovered. She turned to Itsumi. "Do you have a quiet gem?"

  Itsumi shook her head; she hadn’t thought of keeping one on her. She probably should have, but she stayed with Melony so much that the queen probably already suspected her of betrayal. She wouldn’t be wrong, but Itsumi wasn’t usually one to tip her hand so early.

  Fezi sighed. "It's just an added precaution. No one else is in this hallway. I hate speaking when anyone could come by and spy."

  "What do you need to speak to us about?" Zola asked.

  "About her. The council just found out some troubling information. Tomorrow they will test her to see if she is in fact the child of Engi and Snow. On—"

  "I am! Those are my parents, and they were human. Normal, boring humans," Melony shouted.

  "There is no need to yell," Fezi said.

  Itsumi felt bad that Melony was learning of all this now, instead of when she was younger. She knew it had to be hard on her.

  "They weren't human. They were the most skillful and deadly witches of their time," Fezi corrected. She held her hand up before Melony could say anything else. "I can't say I understand what is going through your head, or why they decided to hide everything from you, but it is all true, and you need to accept it."

  Melony looked near tears, and Itsumi was ready to push the tree elves out of the door. Talking be damned.

  "If it is found true that you carry their blood, you will have options. One, you join a council-approved coven and work for them; two, a ruler takes you and you live under their rule; and the third option is death."

  "We won't let anyone kill her," Zola said. Itsumi nodded in agreement.

  "You two aren't even bonded to her. You are not considered a factor in any of this," Fezi said.

  Itsumi gritted her teeth as anger filled her.

  "When will this trial happen?" Zola stood, her fists clenched.

  "In a few hours. They will send someone here to retrieve Melony."

  Melony shook her head. "I don't understand why this is happening." She looked up, glaring at Fezi. "Why are you warning us?"

  Fezi took a step back, and Itsumi had never seen the tree elf scared before, but that was definitely the faint smell she picked up from Fezi.

  "I can't say."

  Melony got out of bed. "Then what can you tell me? Because I'm sick of ‘I don't know’."

  "I can tell you that if you are given the opportunity, you should take Queen Lydia's offer to join her coven. The council is likely not to bother you, and you will be able to learn more about magic."

  Melony shook her head. "You want me to side with the person who wrongly accused me, had my parents killed, had me tortured, and called the council on me?" Melony took a step forward. "You do realize how stupid that sounds, right?"

  "Would you rather die?" Fezi challenged.

  Melony went quiet.

  "During the test, you mustn't use your magic fully," Fezi stressed.


  Fezi sighed as if tired of the questions. Itsumi had the urge to kill the elf. Mezi took a step closer to Fezi, as if knowing about Itsumi’s sudden urge. Itsumi wouldn’t—not unless Melony told her to, but then she would do it with a smile on her face. She still wasn’t sure about trusting the tree elves.

  "They cannot know how powerful you truly are."

  Itsumi looked to Fezi, hearing the fear and warning for what it was.

  "So make them think I'm some weak witch who has no idea what she's doing?" Melony shook her head. "I've got to tell you that's exactly what I am. I have no fucking clue what's happening, and I know less about magic."

  Fezi nodded, confirming that she knew Melony had no idea of the shit storm she was in. "I know this is all confu—"

  "Do you really know? How would you like to be stripped of everything you ever knew and thrown into this whole new world, and instead of people helping and giving you knowledge, they give you cryptic information and expect you to know what the fuck is going on? How would you like to see your best friend—who is like a sister—damn near die or abandon her, not knowing if she is alive? Or see you mother’s face over and over again even in your dreams? I don't think you know shit, and you standing here telling me you do doesn't help."

  The room went silent, and Itsumi moved without thinking to stand next to Melony, Zola on her other side. Itsumi wanted to grab her and pull her into a hug, but she held back. She watched the way Melony held herself up and knew that any touch from her or Zola would have her showing weakness in front of the tree elves, and they still didn’t trust them. Itsumi trusted them a little less now. She had no idea how much truth Mezi spoke.

  "Your advice and lack of information is appreciated, but I don't need you here to tell me what to do when you can't tell me why." Melony took a step forward. "If there is nothing else, then please get the fuck out."

  Itsumi was impressed by Melony and the way she was handling herself. She screamed power and not to be fucked with. The frustrated look Fezi cast Melony’s way soon dropped as she couldn’t hold Melony’s gaze any longer.

  "I do hope you take my advice, " Fezi said.

  “If your advice came with answers, I might consider it,” Melony said.

  Fezi’s face scrunched up. “I have a feeling that even if you did know, you would still decide to do the opposite of my advice.” She turned to leave. "Come on, Mezi."

  The door closed, and Itsumi and Zola both moved in unison, catching Melony as she fell.

  "What the hell is going to happen?" She turned, crying into Zola’s shirt.

  They hugged her between them. "Whatever happens, you have both of us with you." Itsumi pulled back from the embrace. "Speaking of staying with you, you need to bond with us."

  Melony pulled back, tears streaking down her brown skin. Itsumi wiped them away, hating seeing her cry. "What does this bond thing do?"

  "We will always be by your side. Whenever you call for us, we will be able to be there. It will give you more power and to us in return as well," Zola said.

  "That sounds good, but why haven't you bonded before?"

  Itsumi sighed, knowing she couldn't lie to Melony. "Because it means to give up one's freedom, and the whole if-you-hurt-we-hurt and if-you-die-we-die thing."

  Zola nodded. “It is something that isn’t given lightly. It is why most creatures can’t be forced into a bond. For a bond to work, both sides have to willingly agree… Well, for most that is the case. There has been some that have been forced into bonds, but that is very dangerous. Not only for the witch, but for the bonded creature.”

  Melony backed away from them, shaking her head. "No way am I bonding with either of you then. I get hurt way to often, and according to the twins, I might be killed tomorrow! I won't let you die with me. Why give up your freedom?"

  Zola reached out, grabbing Melony's hand. "We want this. All of my life I have never wanted something more."

  "I have to agree with rainbow over here. I want this." Itsumi winked at Zola, but her focus was on Melony. Melony opened her mouth, and Itsumi moved, stopping anything she had to say with a kiss. She continued to kiss her until Melony kissed her back. She slowly pulled back, enjoying Melony's sweet lips. "Two magical beings who are known not to bond with any witch are sitting here begging for you to take us."

  Melony looked to Zola and then back to Itsumi. "Are
you sure?"

  Itsumi smiled at her. "I am, and I know twinkle toes here agrees."

  "Is this going to continue to be your thing?" Zola asked.

  Itsumi smirked at her. "Forever and ever."

  Melony’s laughter was a joyous sound. They both turned to her.

  "Okay." She took a deep breath. "How do I do this?"

  "You will take Zola first, th—"

  "I want to bond with you both at the same time."

  "Um, that would require a lot of power, and it will be hard enough with your power locked away." Itsumi lifted Melony's wrists showing her the cuffs that blocked her magic.

  "Oh. What if we had a key?"

  "That would help, but we don't have a key." Itsumi looked to Zola, seeing if she had a key.

  Melony smiled. "I do." She bent down for a second and came back up with a key.

  "How?" Itsumi asked.

  Melony looked down at the key. "The quiet twin dropped it on the floor." She shrugged.

  Itsumi hadn't even noticed.

  "So I can bond with both of you at the same time?"

  Itsumi had never seen it done before. "It would be dangerous, but technically, yes."

  Melony looked giddy. She unlocked the cuffs quickly, and they dropped to the ground, the metal clanking against the floor. She rubbed her wrists and shook her hands out. "It feels weird not to have them on."

  Itsumi nodded. "Warm up first. Only use a little magic, since we don't want anyone rushing over here, stopping the bonding ceremony." Itsumi dug in her pocket to get one of the gems she carried on her, then she looked to Melony.

  Melony nodded. With her palm facing up, and before Itsumi could ask her what she was doing, a small flame appeared in the palm of her hand.

  "Fuck. You don't need a gem or a magic book."

  Melony turned with a smirk on her face. "Surprised?"

  Itsumi looked to Zola. "You don't look surprised at all."

  Zola shrugged. "That is a baby flame compared to what she can really do."

  Melony snuffed out the flame and reconjured it a few more times before turning back to them. Itsumi watched, transfixed. She had never met a witch who was capable of magic without something to focus it.