Beast Caller Read online

Page 19

  "You are sad," Trinity said.

  That was becoming Melony's normal. "Yeah, a lot of bullshit is happening."

  Trinity splashed water again. Melony splashed back and soon it was a splashing war. Melony cupped her hands under the water and created huge splashes of water. Trinity was obviously taking it easy on Melony in the beginning, because the next splash nearly drowned Melony. Trinity held Melony up from the water. She coughed up water and tried not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

  "Note to self: don't get into a water fight with a mermaid," Melony said, laughing.

  Trinity let Melony’s arm go and backed away. "That would be wise."

  Melony laughed again. "You did start it."

  Trinity smiled for the first time since Melony had met her. Her teeth were razor sharp, and for a second, Melony was afraid until she looked into Trinity’s kind eyes.

  "You are better. I must go now," Trinity said.

  Melony was confused. "Wait, why?"

  Trinity looked at her. "No merfolk would swim here. This is the Fenagari coven’s territory."

  Melony had so many questions. "Then why are you here?"

  Trinity looked Melony in the eyes. "Because your magic traveled down. It felt so strange. I had to know."

  Melony lifted her hands above the water. "But the null cuffs. How do you feel any magic?"

  Trinity looked to the cuffs. "You are either very dangerous… or the one to save us all."

  Before Melony could ask anything else, Trinity was gone.

  What the living fuck?

  Chapter Sixteen


  Zola turned to Itsumi, and they scanned the hallway multiple times, but it was as if everyone avoided the hallway.

  "Is she talking to someone?" Itsumi asked.

  Zola focused on listening in on Melony. Unfortunately, her hearing was good, but not as good as Itsumi’s. She shrugged, giving up on trying. "Does it sound as if she’s in danger?"

  Itsumi was quiet for a second before shaking her head. "No."

  Zola nodded and focused back on the hallway. "Do you think it's the mermaid she asked about?"

  Itsumi’s dark eyes turned on her. With a shrug, Itsumi turned back around. "The chance of that happening is slim. All water creatures and people have avoided coming anywhere near here… for good reason."

  Zola nodded. She did know. She had been held in the cage area with all the other creatures. They might not have had human forms, but still, they were caged. Queen Lydia wasn't just known for her power, but the fact that she collected magical creatures. It was also known that if a witch was bonded with a magical creature, then they could forget about getting into the Fenagari coven.

  The door opened behind them, and Zola turned around, prepared to tell Melony she was sorry. Melony’s wet brown skin glistened from the bright lights. Her curls, weighed down from the water, hung loosely on her shoulders. She was beautiful. No one could deny that fact.

  "We will be having a talk later," Melony said before she shut the door and went back into the spa-like bathroom.

  Zola turned to Itsumi and found her staring after Melony as well. She knew that Melony was beautiful and would attract others to her. Zola was okay with Itsumi. The fox was different than her and definitely was better with words. Zola spent too much time in the woods by herself or fighting alone. When she met Melony, she’d realized she’d forgotten what it was like being with others.

  Itsumi was funny and knew what to say at the right time, except for now. Both of them seemed lost as to what to say to Melony. Sorry didn't seem right. Sorry wouldn't help solve anything.

  "She sounded determined," Itsumi said.

  Zola nodded. "She did."

  A few seconds passed and Melony walked through the doors dressed in the all black clothing that clung to her curves. Zola needed to thank Itsumi for giving Melony the clothes. Itsumi too was checking Melony out, and Zola hid her laughter, not sure if Melony was in the mood just yet.

  "Come on, we need to have a serious talk," Melony said. She headed down the hallway.

  "Where are you going?" Zola asked.

  "Back to the room."

  Itsumi laughed, and the glare she received from Melony had Zola thanking the gods that Melony's power was temporarily put away. She would have easily set them on fire.

  "What's so funny?"

  Zola cleared her throat and gave a look to Itsumi. "The room is the other way."

  Melony huffed but turned around and walked the other way. Minutes later, they were walking into the room. Melony paced in front of them. Neither one willing to stop her, afraid she may lash out again.

  "I need to understand what the hell is going on. So much is being thrown at me with no explanation. You guys have to see how crazy that is, right?"

  Melony sounded as if she was at the end of her rope. Zola wanted to help the best way she could, but she knew only as much as Melony. "We don't know everything, but we can try and find more out."

  Melony looked sullen, her normal smile turned down into a frown and her eyes half closed. "I'm just so tired of being surprised and constantly learning something new when I feel as if I should know it already."

  "But how would you know anything of this world? You didn't grow up in it."

  "She didn't?" Itsumi asked.

  Zola forgot that Itsumi didn't know much about Melony, though she was still eager to help.

  "No, I didn't grow up with any of this stuff," Melony said. "Do you think if I grew up with any of this stuff, I would have to ask so many questions or be so damn lost?" She was sounding angry again.

  "I'm sorry. Ask your questions, and I will inform you of what I know. If I don't know, maybe Itsumi will know. And if we both don't know, then we will find people who do."

  Melony seem to think about what Zola was saying, her body relaxing and her expression becoming less tense. Zola sighed with relief. Melony angry was not fun at all. She hated feeling as if she was letting Melony down in some way. She hated failing in general, but failing Melony felt like being stabbed with a searing-hot knife through the gut.

  "Okay, that works for me."

  Itsumi went to the bed. "I'm going to disclose right now: the amount I know about your situation is limited. After all, I just found out for sure that you didn't grow up in this realm. I had my suspicions but wasn't sure." Itsumi took off her hood and shook her long black hair out. "But I think I know of someone, or more like two people, who might know something. It will just be hard to get them here and to talk."

  Melony raced over to the bed and jumped on. "Really? Can they be trusted?"

  Itsumi looked over to Zola, and she knew who Itsumi was referring to. She hadn't met the elves personally yet, but they were tree elves. They didn't lie, but they could evade the truth. It would be hard to say if they were really trustworthy.

  "That's hard to say." Zola walked over to the bed, since it seemed like that was where the conversation would happen. "Tree elves cannot tell a lie, but they can avoid the truth."

  “Tree elves?" Melony said.

  Itsumi nodded. "Twin tree elves. They are mysterious beings. Many people respect Lydia as queen because she has tree elves under her."

  "Are they powerful?"

  "Yes and no. It's hard to explain. Tree elves can be extremely powerful when in the forest or amongst trees, but outside the forest, they are vulnerable. Which is why they don't usually leave the forest, but Lydia got two to come and serve her. It is the strangest thing, and the only reason why I'm not sure we should trust them," Itsumi said.

  Zola had to agree. It did seem strange that the elves served under the queen but were not bonded to her as her magical creatures. They just served her, but so did Itsumi. "What about you, Itsumi?"

  Itsumi didn't seem surprised by the question. "I am here by an obligation of my clan. They owed a debt to Queen Lydia, and I was sent to pay it."

  "Helping us will make you a traitor to your clan," Zola pointed out. She knew that Itsumi knew
it, but Melony didn't, and she didn't want it to come up later.

  Melony’s shocked face turned to Itsumi.

  "Yes, I know that," Itsumi said.

  "Won't you get in trouble?" Melony asked.

  Itsumi would be in more than just trouble. She would be disowned and then hunted and killed. The foxes took their oaths seriously, and debts that are owed are to be paid back in full. The fact that Itsumi was willing to break such an oath and go against everything she was taught was astounding. Zola had no doubt about trusting Itsumi, but now she knew for certain that Itsumi was, in fact, trustworthy.

  "Yeah, but it won't be that bad," she said.

  Zola quirked an eyebrow at her. She was going with a lie?

  "I have the feeling you're lying," Melony said. She shook her head and her curls went all over, bouncing with the way she shook her head. "I won't ask what you're giving up or what will happen, but I will ask: are you sure you want to help? Because all of this is a mess, and if you can avoid it, I suggest you do." Melony looked intently at Itsumi. "I am saying this to you too, Zola. I know you have helped me when you didn't have to, and I honestly have no idea what I will do if you don't continue to help me, but I'm sure I can figure something out. But in no way are you obligated to stay on this train wreck. If there is way for both of you to avoid this shit storm and you want to, I wouldn't be angry if you chose to leave."

  Zola was taken aback by Melony's words. Yes, if she left now and let Melony deal with everything on her own, she could go back to her quiet life. She could escape out this place at any time. But to leave Melony behind was not even an option. It hadn't occurred to her once to leave Melony behind.

  "No," Zola said right away.

  Melony turned to face her, her big brown eyes looking at her earnestly. "You sure?"

  "It's was never an option and still isn't."

  Melony smiled at her, moving closer to her. Zola couldn't hold back any longer and pulled Melony to her, embracing her and pressing her face into the soft curls, just breathing in Melony's scent. She had done the same the night before, but now it felt good. Like when running in open fields in the summer heat.

  "I will be staying as well. I'm not one to start something and abandon it," Itsumi said.

  Melony pulled back from the embrace, her arm stretching out toward Itsumi. "Thank you," she said quietly.

  Zola heard the emotion behind it and squeezed Melony closer to her. She looked over to Itsumi and watched as the fox looked uncomfortable for a few seconds before moving closer to them. Itsumi wrapped herself around Melony. Zola could feel she was trying to avoid taking up too much room or touching her. Zola moved her arm from around Melony and reached over to touch Itsumi. She pulled her closer. Zola saw the surprise on Itsumi’s face. She smiled at Itsumi over Melony's head, and she got a smile in return.

  They sat there, holding each other for a little while longer before Melony started to move between them. Itsumi pulled back. Zola was reluctant to follow suit, but she moved back a little as well. They both still touched Melony, either a hand or a leg, neither one breaking their connection to her.

  "What's your first question?" Zola asked.

  Air rushed out of Melony, and she sounded tired. Even the way her shoulders slumped slightly forward showed how tired she was. "Alright, first, I guess I'm wondering… Shit, I don't know what to ask first. There are so many questions running through my head."

  Zola nodded. "Start off with something small first."

  Melony sighed. "Everything is big and fucking insane. I feel like I'm stuck in some dream that I can't escape."

  Zola felt bad, because Melony finding out she was a witch should have been a happy time. She could have found the beauty of the other realm. Instead, she had only seen the ugly and harsh side so far.

  "Can witches perform any type of magic?"

  "That's a broad question," Itsumi said.

  Zola had to agree. "Witches can only do magic that their power allows. Witches are humans with magical powers. One witch may be able to conjure up a storm, and another only able to bring in a breeze." Zola hoped it made sense; she wasn't an expert on witches. She looked to Itsumi for some help.

  "It all depends on the amount of magic within the witch. You can read spells from a book or use gems to help concentrate your magic," Itsumi added.

  "So, without a book or stones, the magic is wild?" Melony asked.

  "Umm… That one I'm not sure. I know it's harder to use magic that way,"Zola said

  Melony went quiet for a second, then she lifted her hands and turned them over. Zola realized she was looking at the null cuffs on her wrists. "Can I try the light ball thingy?"

  Itsumi grabbed the ball. "But with the null cuffs on, it won't work for you."

  Melony, still staring at her wrists, shrugged. "I just want to see."

  Itsumi looked at Zola. Zola also shrugged. She had no idea what Melony had planned. She was pretty sure that Melony wouldn't be able to use any magic with the null cuffs on, but then again, Melony was able to use magic without any gems or stones. Powerful magic at that.

  Itsumi handed the ball over to Melony.

  "So what do I do?"

  "You put a little of your magic into it. It's not like a stone where you need blood to make it work," Itsumi said.

  Melony sat there and looked at the ball in her hand. It didn't glow or even twinkle with any light. Itsumi sat there, watching her with keen eyes. Zola was going to suggest giving up, but she knew Melony wouldn't want to.

  "Wait, Melony," Zola said.

  Melony stopped and turned toward her.

  "You can't force it. Try imagining that you're filling a cup with water."

  Melony look confused for a second before nodding her head. "Okay." She turned back to the ball.

  Zola watched with bated breath to see if it would light up. A part of her hoped it would, just to see the joy on Melony's face. The other half… Well, that half feared the possibility. If Melony made the item light up while wearing the null cuffs, then her power was greater than Zola already imagined. She was sure that would be dangerous.

  "Ugh, I can't get it," Melony said, putting the ball down on the bed, her face fallen.

  "That's okay. You are wearing cuffs that block your magic," Zola said.

  "Yeah, and if you could make it light up, that would have been terrifying," Itsumi said.

  Melony's head shot up. "Why?"

  "Simple. That would have meant you were incredibly powerful, and when witches are born with so much magic that they can defy the laws themselves, they are considered enemies and a threat. Not only would the council have had people after you, but others would try to grab you. Vampires, shifters, elves, and more. Shit, even my clan would try to kill you to drain you of your magic. It is also why witches stay in covens."

  Zola glared at Itsumi; she was going to scare Melony.

  "Wow," Melony said. "What about mermaids?"

  "Mermaids are notorious for seeking humans with magic and luring them into the water to kill them."

  Melony’s brown skin paled with the news. "All mermaids?"

  Itsumi seemed to think about the question. "That I don't know. I'm not a mermaid or any type of water creature. I can't speak for all of them, just what I know about them."

  Zola’s hand that still touched Melony squeezed her for comfort. "All creatures have their bad sides, but it doesn't mean everyone is like that."

  "That’s the truth," Itsumi said.

  Melony nodded. "Yeah, I know that." She smiled at them. "Trinity is different I think."

  "Who’s Trinity?" Itsumi asked.

  That's what Zola wanted to know. She didn't like this Trinity on principle, but she hadn't felt that way toward Itsumi. She looked at Itsumi, and nope, there was no anger toward her. She was glad Itsumi was there.

  "The mermaid that's in the bath."

  That made Zola furious. This Trinity had been in the water with a naked Melony and neither she or Itsumi had been there.

bsp; "With you naked?" Itsumi asked. She sounded just as angry as Zola felt.

  "Well, to take a bath, you need to be naked," Melony said.

  "Yeah, but with Trinity," Zola said. Even to her own ears, she could hear the disdain she had for this Trinity, and she’d never even met the mermaid. Why was she okay with Itsumi but not the mermaid? Unicorns weren't monogamous creatures, but the thought of another touching Melony made her more upset than she thought was reasonable.

  "Why do both of you sound so angry?" Melony asked.

  Zola had no right to answer. Melony had asked her if they were more than friends before, and like a fool, Zola had frozen. Too afraid to say anything, thinking that she may leave the witch, but instead, she now sat on the bed with Melony and never wanted to leave her side. She had no plans to go back to the solitude life she had been living before.

  "Because! Why should we want someone else touching what is ours?" Itsumi said.

  "Ours?" Melony lifted an eyebrow at them.

  Zola could practically hear Melony’s inner thoughts and questions.

  Itsumi looked uncertain for a second. "Well, what I mean is… Shit, help me out here." Itsumi looked to Zola.

  Zola had no idea what to say either. Melony looked to her, waiting for an answer. Zola looked everywhere but at Melony, trying to come up with something.

  "Last time I asked, we weren't anything. Has that changed?" Melony asked. She didn't sound upset.

  Zola glanced toward her to see if maybe her facial expression was different than what her voice portrayed. It wasn't. She looked calmly at Zola, waiting for an answer that Zola so wanted to give. To tell Melony it had always been the case; that she wanted to be with Melony. That she had been fooling herself thinking that she would be able to walk away.

  "Nothing has changed," Zola said.

  Was that disappointment on Melony’s face?

  "Then who I have a bath with shouldn't matter."

  "You're fucking this up," Itsumi said.

  Zola glared at her; she knew she was.

  "What glitter for brains meant was that she wants you, and she is jealous of the mermaid." Itsumi looked down, twirling her finger in the bed. "We both do," she practically whispered the last part.