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Page 15

  She touched her hair once more and still she felt the little beads in her curls. The things she now had to worry about. As if sensing that she was nearly finished getting dressed, the servant walked back into the bathroom just as Melony started to put the heels on.

  Melony stood up on the heels, staying still for a second to make sure she had her balance. Her eyes were down, trying to make sure she didn't fall flat on her face, but was she supposed to keep her head up?

  This is why she didn't wear heels.

  The marble floor looked freshly polished, and Melony feared that she would slip and break an ankle. What if that was the new torture? She laughed. That would be easier to deal with than anything else she had been dealt.

  Looking up at the servant, Melony moved slowly. She made it seem deliberate, but truthfully, she was sure she would fall. To her surprise, she made it all the way to the servant without so much as a stumble.

  "This way," the servant said.

  Melony followed her. She still hadn't gotten to see what she looked like. She probably looked like a ragdoll in a nice dress. She most likely had bags that had bags under her eyes, and her hair… Well, whatever Trinity did to it she hoped it just wasn't too crazy. The servant walked at a slow pace, as if knowing that Melony couldn't move all that well with heels on.

  Long hallways and then back onto the elevator that just knew where you wanted to go when entering it. Melony looked around for cameras or something. Maybe some people were controlling it depending on who got in.

  "How in the hell does this thing work?" Melony blurted out once she couldn't find any hidden cameras.

  The girl jumped and turned to look at Melony. Her face was scrunched up like she had been scared of the sudden sound. The doors opened, and the servant walked out without answering.

  "Is everybody in this crazy world rude?" Of course, no one would answer that either.

  Melony walked off the elevator and to the double doors the servant stood at. Melony was happy that they didn't have to walk farther. Her feet didn't hurt yet, but she knew it would happen soon. The servant looked back at her, nodded, and opened the double doors.

  Melony didn't know what the nod meant, but she stood straighter and placed a fake smile on her face. She figured it was one of those fake it till you make it moments. Although, she was far from making it. She still held onto the fear that it was all fake and she was still being tortured.

  Fuck. How long would she be a mess of fear and nerves?

  Chapter Thirteen


  Zola sat at the table, anxiously waiting to see Melony. She didn't engage in any of the conversations around the table. There were a few witches, male and female, along with other magical creatures, but Zola ignored all of them. Her gaze was glued to the door, waiting for Melony.

  "I heard you're from the Opal herd."

  Zola glanced to the werewolf who sat next to her, eyeing her. She looked nice enough, but she was trying to talk to Zola when her mind was occupied by one thought.


  Zola opened her mouth to tell her to leave her be when she heard the doors open. She turned instantly to see who it was, hope filling her. The doors opened wide, and there stood Melony. Her brown skin practically glowing, as if she had been dipped in gold. Her curls looked defined and bounced as she walked into the room. The dress was plain, but it did nothing to dampen Melony's beauty. She was absolutely stunning.

  Zola stood up, so happy to see Melony. She saw the smile on Melony's face and instantly knew it wasn't her real smile. The tight way her lips pressed together and the small indent on the side that made it seem as if any second the smile would turn into a frown.

  As soon as Melony caught Zola's eyes, a real smile appeared on her face, and Zola's heart ached from seeing it. The way Melony walked into the room, everyone around the table couldn't help but turn and watch. She was that beautiful. She commanded the room to attention. Zola smiled at that. Melony was worth all the attention and more.

  The servant that trailed behind her even made it seem as if Melony was the one in charge. The only thing that made it seem any different was the metal null cuffs on Melony's wrists, but even the cuffs didn't take away from Melony's beauty.

  Melony made her way to Zola. Zola moved quickly, pulling out a chair for her. She wanted Melony to stay next to her. Melony squeezed her hand, and Zola reflexively did the same.

  "You look beautiful," Zola said.

  She knew eyes were on them, so she couldn't ask Melony what she really wanted to. She wanted to ask her so many things, but the main question that kept going in circles in her head was: are you okay? It might be a dumb question, but she wanted to ask it anyway.

  Melony stared into her eyes. Oh, how Zola had missed her brown eyes. Once they were innocent and curious, now full of fear and weariness. Zola's hand tightened.

  "Thank you," Melony said in an almost whisper-like tone.

  Zola didn't get to say anything else. Trumpets went off and everyone around the table stood. Melony looked questioningly at Zola. Sighing, She stretched her hand out offering it to Melony for support. She didn't let her hand go.

  Zola checked on Melony again, trying to see if there was any evidence of what she had gone through. There was nothing physically that Zola could see, so she turned back to see Queen Lydia walk into the room and take her seat. She’d changed her dress and let her blonde hair down. She smiled at Melony and then Zola. Zola didn't smile back. If it wasn't for her, they wouldn't be there.

  The queen took her seat, and she gestured for everyone else to sit. Zola turned to Melony, making sure to push her chair in before taking a seat. Food was brought out immediately, never mind that Zola and the others had been at the table for a few hours waiting on the queen's appearance.

  Well, really, Zola had only been waiting for Melony. She couldn’t care less about the queen. She didn't serve her or live within her territory.

  "Young witch, I'm intrigued with how you came upon a unicorn and seem to have gotten her to… cling to you." The queen locked eyes with Melony.

  Zola tensed.

  To her surprise, Melony didn't look back at her or hesitate in the slightest. She continued to eat her food, slowly and deliberately, as if she had all the time in the world. Anyone else at the table would have jumped and stammered, trying to answer the queen. Or gloat about how they had gotten a unicorn to trust and like them. Because it was true; Zola did, in fact, like Melony very much.

  "Even if I was to tell you how, no one would believe it," Melony said.

  The room went silent, and everyone stopped eating. No one looked at Melony or the queen, their heads down. Zola would fight even a queen witch for Melony. Melony kept eating, as if she hadn't just insulted a powerful witch. For a few tense moments, Zola held her breath. The queen laughed, and it was as if all the fear in the room disappeared.

  "That's what I like about you. Our coven could use someone like you. Someone so loyal."

  Zola blinked, confused as to what was happening. Did the queen just ask Melony to join her coven? Why? Zola opened her mouth, but Melony beat her to it.

  "I'm not sure I want to join a coven that has psychotic children who torture people." Melony placed a carrot in her mouth before taking her napkin off her lap. She sat up straighter and turned toward the queen.

  Zola felt proud. Melony was the embodiment of what a queen should be, at least in her eyes.

  "Oh, that's too bad. I would really like for you to be in the coven."

  "I would like to go home."

  Zola saw the small twitch the word home caused in Melony, but she was sure she was the only one who noticed, since she was watching Melony so closely.

  Melony shrugged. "But we all can't get what we want." She raised her glass in a cheers motion and drank from it.

  Zola wanted to laugh at the craziness that was Melony. She was talking to someone powerful who had other powerful beings backing her. The room tensed once more as the queen looked to Melony. She sti
ll had a smile on her face, but Zola could see the anger behind her eyes.

  "Well, I can't protect a witch that isn't a part of my coven or my territory. I will have to inform the witch council, and you will be punished for all of your crimes. It really is a shame."

  Melony finished her drink, and Zola reached for it. She hadn't checked it before, but once she smelled it, she realized it was magical wine. It could knock most magical creatures on their asses when drank quickly. It was made to be sipped over a full course. Melony had just drank it like it was water.

  "I'll keep that in mind," Melony said.

  Zola stood up, interrupting anything the queen would say next. Zola gave a half bow before grabbing Melony's arm. Melony didn't fight her and stood up. She also didn't question Zola as they headed for the doors. No one stopped them, and Zola knew they should be worried. What she had just done was rude by all accounts, but Melony was only going to start talking crazier to the queen. Zola glanced behind her as she moved, still guiding Melony.

  Melony had a huge smile on her face, and she swayed slightly as she trailed behind Zola. Yeah, the drink was working fast. Zola tried to move faster, but it had Melony stumbling. She turned to catch Melony before she fell, but she’d frozen in the air as if floating. Zola focused and saw the outline of a person.

  "Am I fucking floating?" Melony asked as she giggled.

  Itsumi’s glamour vanished, and she stood there, holding Melony. "Fuck, is she drunk?"

  Zola nodded. "We need to get her to the room quickly. The fewer people who see her the better."

  Itsumi nodded. "Leave it to me." Itsumi worked her magic, and Melony disappeared right in front of Zola's eyes.

  That would work.

  Zola turned and headed toward the room. She knew Itsumi could handle taking Melony. Well, she hoped. A vase crashed to the floor a few feet in front of her and giggling followed the noise. There were no more instances as they made it back to the room. No one else was in the hallway, and Zola was grateful, because Melony giggled and said the word fuck more times than she could count.

  Somewhat safe back in the room, Zola shut the door and turned to a laughing Melony and Itsumi standing over her near the bed.

  "How much did she drink?" Itsumi asked.

  "Weren't you in there?" Zola asked. She moved to the bed, touching Melony. There was no reason for her it. Melony was just drunk, not hurt, but Zola found herself craving the feel of Melony's skin.

  "No way. Half the table would be able to find me. Everyone in that room had their guards up." Itsumi stared down at Melony. "I should know—I tried to sneak in, and one of the witches instantly turned toward me."

  Itsumi shrugged as if it didn't bother her, but Zola thought differently. She could tell Itsumi worried for Melony just as much as she did.

  "You left early. I'm surprised you still have a head."

  Zola huffed. Frankly, she was just as surprised. "No one stopped us. I just grabbed her and left."

  "Why are you guys spinning so much? Would you sit the fuck down already." Melony burst out laughing like she’d said a joke.

  "You didn't think to take the cup away?"

  Zola pinned Itsumi with a look. "I was too busy worried about what she would say next to your queen."

  Itsumi’s face turned down in a frown. "She is not my queen."

  Zola lifted an eyebrow. "You could have fooled me."

  Itsumi glared at her, and Zola glared back.

  "I want to dance," Melony said, breaking the stare down by grabbing Zola’s hand as she got up from the bed.

  Melony wasn't steady on her feet as she tried to twirl around and dance. Zola was doing more holding than dancing, but Melony laughed and had the biggest smile on her face. Zola knew it was just the drink working through her system, but she was happy that Melony had this little bit of happiness, even if it was fake. Melony tripped over her own foot and started to go down, bringing Zola down with her. Zola tried to move to catch them both.

  Itsumi’s arms pulled them back upright, and Melony turned to face her. Melony's head bobbed back and forth, as if she had lost all control over holding it up.

  "Wow, you're really pretty. Your eyes are so dark I can't even see a pupil, and your cheekbones are to fucking die for." Melony’s face turned from a smile to a frown, and she turned back to face Zola. "Why can't I have cheekbones like that?" She practically whined it, as if she was asking for a piece of candy someone else had.

  Zola was lost for words. She wasn't sure how she could answer the question and not further upset Melony in her drunken state.

  "You can have them any time you want," Itsumi said, her hand cupping Melony's hand to her cheekbones. "I’d much rather have those beautiful lips of yours."

  Melony’s smile returned as she laughed at Itsumi. Zola was thankful for Itsumi. She was sure she would have said something that would have made everything worse.

  "You sly fox," Melony laughed.

  Itsumi’s eyes darted to Zola, and Zola wanted to laugh as well. Melony had no idea how right she was.

  "Why not get into bed?" Itsumi said.

  Zola was all for Melony laying back down and getting some rest, mainly to sleep the drink off.

  Melony shook her head furiously, dark brown curls swinging in Zola’s face. "I don't want to."

  Was she pouting?

  "I have an idea. Let's go see the mermaid. I want to ask her some questions," Melony suggested

  Zola made eye contact with Itsumi. Itsumi shrugged. "What mermaid?"

  Melony’s face scrunched up. "You know, the one in the bathtub… Or is it a pool?" Her face scrunched in deep concentration. "It's the really, really, really big one." Melony stretched her arms out wider with each really. If it wasn't for Itsumi and Zola keeping their hands on her, Zola was sure Melony would have fallen and hit her face already. "Oh, oh, oh, and it has a waterfall with a golden dragon statue on it." She laughed. "How fucking gaudy is that?" She frowned all of sudden. "But I really liked the golden dragon and the bath. Does that make me like them?" Melony was suddenly nearly in tears.

  It was an emotional rollercoaster, and Zola was not good with all the twist and turns. Melony happy one minute, then sad, then angry, then happy all over again. It was giving her a hangover, and she hadn't even drank any of the drink.

  "Holy shit, did she have the bottle?" Itsumi said.

  Zola looked at her, pleading for help.

  "Let's lay down. Don't your feet hurt?" Itsumi asked.

  As if reminded of her feet, Melony’s legs stopped holding her up, and she slumped in their arms. "I hate wearing heels. Can we take them off?"

  Zola sat Melony back on the bed, Itsumi already bending down and taking Melony’s shoes off. Zola tended to Melony as Itsumi helped her get comfortable. No words were exchanged, they just moved in unison without ever having worked together before. It was as if both of their needs to take care of Melony outweighed anything else that may have ever hindered them from working together any other time. Although, Zola wasn't sure if she would have ever met or paid attention to the fox outside of the situation they were currently in.

  Melony pulled at her dress as Zola lifted her to get to the zipper. Zola unzipped the dress, grazing her fingers against Melony's soft, dark skin. She heard Melony sigh from the touch. Or maybe because the dress was nearly off. Itsumi was taking the beads and shells out of her hair. Melony was quiet, which was a change from just a moment ago when she was speaking a million words a minute.

  Her dress all the way off, Melony sat on the bed with only her panties on. Zola went to grab Melony by the shoulders when she felt the small tremors shaking her body. Itsumi had taken the last bead out that had been tangled when her arms went around Melony, hugging her. Zola did the same from behind. Melony shook between them. In the silence, Zola heard the first small sob leave Melony and her heart broke with it.

  They sat there, holding Melony as she cried, and Zola didn't know what to say, so she stayed quiet. Even Itsumi—who had been saying al
l the right things—was now quiet and clutching Itsumi to her. Zola felt Itsumi move, and she reached out to keep her there. Zola knew she couldn't do this on her own and that Itsumi actually cared for Melony. She would need her. They made eye contact, and Itsumi nodded toward the pillows. Neither one of them wanting to dislodge their holds on Melony, they carefully maneuvered up to the pillows to lie down.

  It took some time, but they made it, and not once had they let Melony go in the process. She continued to cry between them, clutching both of them. One hand fisted in Zola’s shirt, and Zola was sure Melony's other hand was doing the same to Itsumi’s clothing. They laid there, just holding her until her sobs slowed down. The tremors became less prominent. Zola continued to clutch Melony as she listened to the soft snores coming from her. She pressed closer to Melony, seeking the warmth she seemed to have an abundance of.

  Zola woke with a start. There was screaming. Gut-wrenching screams. Zola turned to find Melony clutching her head and screaming as if being attacked. Itsumi was up as well, and they both reached for Melony, the lights still on in the room. They sat her up, but her eyes remained closed, and her hands stayed clutching her head.

  "Melony!" Zola called out.

  Melony continued to scream as if she couldn't hear Zola.

  "Shhhhh, it's okay. Open your eyes," Itsumi tried.

  Still Melony screamed. Itsumi stood and went to the door.

  "Where are you going?" Zola asked.

  "I’m going to get something that may help." The way Itsumi looked at Melony reflected how Zola felt.

  Zola nodded and turned back to Melony. She had laid back down and curled into a fetal position. There were no tears; she was just screaming as if in pain and unable get out of it. Zola placed her hand on Melony's head and brushed back her curls.

  "It's okay, Melony. You’re safe now." Zola kept repeating the words to Melony. She had no idea if they were true. Were they really safe? No, she knew that, but they were safer than they had been. She wanted to take Melony out of there and run, to get her away from it all. Really make her safe.