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Beast Caller Page 9

  They walked for what felt like hours. They made it to the road, and rows of cars waited for them.

  "I didn't picture this."

  The guy who had pushed Melony the whole way there pushed her again.

  "Really? All you have to do is say walk, or go to the left, or, fuck, I don't know, lead the damn way."

  The guy pushed her again. and Melony groaned.

  "Yeah, just keep up the pushing," she muttered.

  Shoved into the back of a large Jeep with four others, Melony looked around for Zola but didn't see the unicorn anywhere. "Where's Zola?"

  Unsurprising, no one answered her. She rolled her eyes and tried to turn and see out the back of the car, but she was roughly shoved back into her seat.

  "Is that the way you people communicate? By shoving?" She was pissed. They treated her as if she was a prisoner. Melony glanced down at her wrists. "Oh." Right, she was a prisoner. Shit just got better and better.

  The car ride was long and quiet. No one spoke; they just stared at her.

  "This is turning out to be the best car ride ever."

  "Cutting out her tongue would be a gift," said the girl who sat across from her.

  Melony was just happy for someone to talk. If she sat in silence any longer, everything that had led up to this point would come back to her, and she didn't think anyone in the car gave a fuck if she broke down. So it was best not to break down just yet. "Or, you know, not cutting off my tongue could be a gift too." Melony shrugged as if they weren't talking about harming her.

  "It would improve this trip," the woman said.

  "I'm tired of calling you hooded woman in my head. What's your name?"

  The others glared at Melony and shifted, as if uncomfortable. "It does not matter. You will die soon. What you call me in your head is of no significance to me."

  "If I'm going to die, then it shouldn't be a big deal to give me your name. Mine is Melony." Melony stuck out her hand. If she could get one person on her side, then maybe she could find a way to escape and save Zola.

  The woman scoffed and hit Melony's hand away.

  Okay, not going to be easy.

  "Well then, I'll give you a name." Melony sat back in her seat, studying the woman. She seemed edgy, but she also had this cool aura about her. Melony thought they could have been friends if she wasn't helping kidnap her. "Got it. I'll call you Robyn."

  Robyn looked at her as if Melony had lost her mind. "That isn't my name."

  Melony shrugged. "You wouldn't give me your name, so I gave you one. I think Robyn is a very nice name."

  "Stop talking to the prisoner," said the man next to Melony.

  "You definitely remind me of a George."

  The man just glared at her.

  Melony sighed and turned back to Robyn. "So, I was wondering if you could tell me what these pink gems do?"

  Robyn looked at her skeptically, and the man Melony had named George scoffed at the question.

  "You expect us to believe you don't know what that gem does?" he asked.

  "Well, George, if I knew, I wouldn't be asking Robyn, now would I?" Melony used the names she’d given them to really dig under their skin. She’d seen the way George’s scowl deepened when she called him by George.

  "Would you two stop interacting with her?"

  Melony turned to look at the other man in the jeep. "Hmm… I will giv—"

  "I don't want or need one of your silly names. I don't know what game you're playing at, witch, but you will regret it. Call me by any other name than my own, and you won't make it to see the queen."

  Melony waited as she stared at him. "So, I'm guessing your name isn't Thomas, because I would have gu—"

  Metal clanged together as the guy Melony was antagonizing moved to attack her, but the blade was stopped by another right in front of her. Melony blinked at the sharp blade that was inches from her face. She glanced next to her, looking at the person who had stopped the blade. They were covered from head to toe, only their eyes visible.

  George glared at Melony's savior. "The witch is asking for it."

  A very feminine voice came from the person next to her. "Sit down, Nixous."

  Nixous, AKA George, sat back reluctantly, still glaring at both Melony and the woman who had saved her.

  “Uh, thank you.” Melony sounded unsure. And she was unsure. Everyone else in the car seemed to hate her simply because she was in their queen's territory, but Melony hadn’t known.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Melony checked the woman over. If it hadn’t been for her voice, Melony wouldn’t have known she was a woman. Her clothes were all black and covered all of her. It wasn’t loose, but it wasn’t form fitting either.

  “You’re staring,” the woman said.

  Melony was caught by the deep, dark gaze of the woman. She had to shake herself and try to remember what the woman had said. Nothing came. “What?”

  The woman laughed at her and stretched her hand out. “I am Itsumi.”

  Melony stared at her hand. She should be happy someone wasn't being a complete shit, but then her dead mother's face crossed her mind. She looked at Itsumi—well, mostly her eyes—and she wondered if Itsumi had been at the house. She hoped not. She had only just met Itsumi, but she didn't come off as a mother killer. Then again, how would those type of people come off?

  "Itsumi, were you at the house?" Melony asked. She had to know.

  Itsumi tilted her head to the side as she looked at Melony. "What house?"

  "The one that I was chased from," Melony said.

  Itsumi shook her head. "No, I was called on once they figured out you were a witch." She shrugged and turned back to look out the window.

  The tension in Melony slowly eased. She shouldn't be happy about any of it, but it put her mind at ease that she wasn't dealing with her mother's killer yet. Melony looked up at the others in the car, and for a second, considered that maybe they had been there instead. Her head hurt with the possibility. She wanted to jump out of the car and run, or use her fire and set the car ablaze.

  "Just call your coven. There will be a hefty fee, but you are in someone else's territory without permission," Itsumi said.

  Melony turned to her. "How much is the fee?"

  Although… she didn't have any money, and she couldn't ask her parents for any. She rubbed her temples, trying to ease her mind. She didn't think showing weakness in front of people who wanted her dead was a good idea. She pushed away all thoughts pertaining to what had happened only hours ago.

  "It varies. You may have to do some work, or they may have you pay in creatures."


  "Like the unicorn that's with you. If the unicorn is promised to you, the queen may ask for it as payment."

  "Zola is her own person. She do—"

  Itsumi’s hand covered Melony's mouth, blocking her next words. "Choose your words carefully. It may be life or death for you and your unicorn."

  Melony glanced over to the others in the car, and she realized that Itsumi may have just saved her from making some mistake she didn't understand. She still had so much to learn and understand in order to survive. Right then and there, she would rather be anywhere but there.

  She closed her eyes, trying to think of anything other than her current predicament. She wanted to be home with Denelle, talking about midterms. She wanted to be able to call her mom and complain about her professors, and for her dad to jump on the phone to lecture her about how professors were there to mold her. Her eyes opened, and she sat up, staring at everyone in the Jeep.

  “Dad,” she whispered. How in the hell had she forgotten about him? She never found him, and after Zola had teleported them, Melony had left the house ablaze. She groaned, trying to remember the last thing she heard her father say.

  Nothing was coming to mind. She turned desperately to Itsumi, and she hoped that Itsumi would be honest with her. “Is there another prisoner? An older man with a head full of grey curls, grey mustache, dark skin,
about five-ten, and most likely wearing a checkered vest?” She held her breath as she waited for Itsumi to answer her.

  “We won’t be telling you anything. Now sit back, and be quiet,” Robyn said.

  Melony didn’t look away from Itsumi, pleading with her eyes for Itsumi to answer. Even a slight nod of the head would be enough. Melony just had to know, waiting would be her breaking point. Itsumi looked her in the eyes, studying her. Melony had no idea what she was looking for, but she hoped she found it.

  Melony was roughly shoved back, Robyn’s hands pushing her into the seat. Melony turned to glare at Robyn. More than anything in that second, Melony wanted to see her burn to ashes. Robyn must have seen exactly what Melony wanted to do to her through her eyes, because she instantly backed away. Fear flashed across her face before she recovered quickly.

  “Stay sitting like that and stop talking,” Robyn said.

  Melony glared at her as she sat back in the seat, directly across from her. She didn’t take her eyes off her, the glare only intensifying as she thought about the fire that would consume Robyn. She blinked from her glare as she felt a small nudge to her side. She turned her head slowly and glanced at Itsumi.

  Itsumi didn’t look at her, but Melony saw the subtle shake of her head. That meant there were no other prisoners. A small piece of her eased, but she still had no idea what had happened to her dad. She wanted to ask Itsumi if she knew, but she thought it best to hold it for later. Especially since the Jeep had stopped moving, and it felt as if they were parked.

  Itsumi stood, along with the other guards, and got out of the back of the Jeep. They all turned expectantly to Melony. She sighed and got out. At least no one was pulling or pushing her. She looked up at the largest house she had ever seen. It was closer to a palace than a house. Large white columns in the front, and it looked as if the mansion had wings. One of the guards yanked on her arm, and Melony’s shock wore off and she moved.

  “All you have to do is tell me to move.” She yanked her away from Robyn, glared, and started to walk. She had no idea which way she needed to go, but she refused to allow them to push her around. She was their prisoner, but that had only been by choice.

  At least, that was what she was telling herself, because she could have burned the whole forest down. Well, maybe she’d only practiced a little bit, but she hadn't been willing to hurt Zola. She looked around for Zola but didn't see the beautiful unicorn anywhere.

  "Where’s Zola?" Melony looked to Itsumi. She knew now that the others would either ignore her or treat her like shit.

  Itsumi turned to Melony and shrugged, but Melony saw how she looked around as they walked. Melony sighed with renewed frustration. Now she’d lost Zola as well. She was in a new place, with god knew what, and she had no one on her side to tell her what the fuck was happening or what to do. She glanced at Itsumi’s back as they walked closer to the giant mansion. Maybe she could depend on Itsumi, but she wouldn't hold her breath. Itsumi obviously served the queen.

  They walked through the double doors into the mansion. Melony’s jaw dropped. Right above her was the largest chandelier she had ever seen. It was round with crystals decorated all over it and strings of them hanging from it. They reflected the light, making it seems as if the crystals were sparkling. The foyer was spacious, and Melony was sure her kitchen, living room, and maybe her bedroom could all fit in the foyer alone. On the wall, a blown-up painting of a woman with scarlet red hair dressed in an old-time ball gown stood with leopards and panthers surrounding her. She looked absolutely breathtaking. It was a painting, but it felt as if it commanded the viewer to kneel before it. Melony felt captivated.

  She didn't know how long she stood there staring, but she was roughly shoved, breaking her focus.

  "Shoving again," Melony grunted out. She turned to look over her shoulder. She glared at Robyn.

  Robyn had a smirk on her face. Melony wanted to shove her in the face and see how she liked shoving then. Robyn shrugged. "You didn't move when I said."

  Melony hadn't heard anything, but then again, she had been captivated by the painting. She turned around just as footsteps came toward them. A tall, slender man dressed in a fitted suit turned the corner and headed for them. His eyes focused on Melony, and he moved with purpose as he approached. Melony noticed that all the guards with her went rigid and turned their heads slightly, showing their necks.

  All except Itsumi; she moved to the side, but she didn't show the man her neck. His blue eyes flicked over to Itsumi for a second before looking back at Melony. He stopped right next to Itsumi.

  "This is the witch that has been wreaking havoc in Queen Lydia's territory?" the man asked.

  He was facing Melony, but she was sure the question wasn't for her.

  "Yes, sir. She uses fire gems, just like the reports said," Robyn said.

  Melony rolled her eyes. She didn't use any gems to conjure her fire, but she kept that to herself.

  The man's face scrunched up with distaste. He could join the club of people who didn't like her.

  "I didn't do anything but defend myself," Melony said, glaring back at him.

  "Defend yourself. From whom? You set fire to families and did sacrificial fire magic against the Queen's law."

  Melony blinked at the man. What the hell was he talking about? She hadn't done anything like that.

  "You can try and act ignorant all you want, but you’re now captured." He turned around. "Take her down to the Isabelle Sector." He glanced over his shoulder to give her another glare before walking away.

  Melony had seen how Itsumi flinched when the man had said the Isabelle Sector. Melony wanted to ask what was in the sector but feared the answer. Her life was taking so many turns. As soon as the man turned the corner, Melony saw how everyone relaxed. Robyn turned to look at Melony, and there was a huge grin on her face.

  "I feel a little bad for you." She shook her head and tsked. "Sending you off to Isabelle first. I suggest you give up your accomplices fast. No one has survived more than three days with Isabelle." She laughed and started to walk away. "Itsumi, since you like this prisoner, you can be the one to take her."

  The others followed Robyn and they all went in the same direction as the man.

  Melony looked to Itsumi, but her back was still turned. Her shoulders were tense, and she just stood there. Melony saw her chance.

  "I don't know what he was talking about. I seriously only used the fire when things attacked me. That's it. I have no idea about any of the other stuff. If you can just tell me where Zola is, I'll get her and we will leave and will never come back." She reached out and grabbed Itsumi’s arm. "Please."

  Melony was desperate.

  Itsumi turned to stare at her; her black eyes staring into Melony's. Melony hoped that she saw the truth, because she honestly hadn't done any of the things they were accusing her of doing. They stood there for a while, neither looking away, and Melony’s hand still gripping Itsumi's arm. Melony saw it before Itsumi even said anything. She watched as Itsumi cast her eyes down and her shoulders sagged.

  "I'm sorry, I—"

  "It's okay," Melony cut her off. She let Itsumi’s arm go.

  "Melony, I would if I could," Itsumi said. Melony heard the truth in her words, but that wouldn't help her.

  "Lead the way." Her voice came out stronger than she thought it would. Tears burned her eyes as she fought to keep them from falling. Her last desperate attempt at convincing someone to save her shot down. She had no idea what was in store for her, but she just knew it wasn't going to be pleasant.

  Chapter Eight


  They stood there a few moments longer, but Melony didn't look at Itsumi again. She couldn't help her, so now she needed to find another way out. She needed to also figure out how to find Zola. And, by the size of the mansion, she doubted that would be an easy feat. Itsumi turned and began to walk, and Melony followed behind her. At least, Itsumi didn't pull or shove her.

  They turned down t
he opposite hallway as everyone else. Melony looked around, surprised by how large even the hallways were. Groups of people would be able to walk down the hallways without having to walk behind each other. There was that much room. And there were lots of doors. No one came out of them.

  Melony thought about going into one and jumping out a window. She watched the way Itsumi walked, as if she glided above the ground. She knew, without a doubt, Itsumi would be able to catch her in seconds. They turned a few corners until they made it to an elevator.

  "Is that necessary?" Melony blurted out.

  Itsumi laughed and pressed the down button. "Unless you want to be sucked into a void, yes, this is necessary."


  Itsumi turned her dark eyes on her. “This elevator is magical. If you try and get to certain floors, or teleport within the mansion, then you may end up in a void."

  Melony nodded, pretending as if she knew what Itsumi was saying. "Oh yeah, I knew that." Even to her own ears, she didn't sound sure.

  Itsumi studied her for a second. "A void is a blank place that has nothing. You don't die, but getting out of a void is nearly impossible. Many go mad inside of it, and kill themselves to leave it. Which is the only way out unless the one who created it decides to empty it."

  "Oh, so like a trash can on your computer. But won't the people inside of it die?" Melony asked.

  The elevator doors opened. It looked normal and wasn't overly large, with a white tiled floor and silver walls. Itsumi stepped in, followed by Melony.

  "Some will and some won't. It depends on how strong the creature is." Itsumi shrugged.

  The doors closed and, without Itsumi pressing anything, started to descend. Melony's stomach dropped as the elevator moved. She decided to distract herself. Itsumi may not be able to help her, but Melony could ask her questions. "Have you ever been in the void?"

  Itsumi didn't turn to look at her, but Melony heard the anguish in her voice when she spoke. "It is not a place anyone wants to go willingly. I have never been in one personally, but I have known some who have."