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Beast Caller Page 22

  "What do we need for the bonding ceremony?"

  Itsumi shook her head. If she was to bond with any witch, she was lucky it was one as powerful as Melony. She knew even if Melony wasn't powerful, she would still bond with her. She cared for her too much now.

  "We need to clear the room. It would be better if we were outside for this," Itsumi said.

  "Can you sneak us out?" Zola asked.

  Itsumi thought about it for a second. "I could, but if caught, we will lose the chance."

  "Why can't we just do it in here?" Melony asked.

  Itsumi looked to Melony. "I'm thinking it might be safe to go down to the battle practice room."

  "What's that?" Melony asked.

  "A room that’s used to practice magic in, so you don't blow the whole place up."

  "We’ll go there," Zola said

  Itsumi sighed. "Yeah, easier said than done,"

  Melony smirked and sauntered over to Itsumi. "What's the matter? You can't do it?"

  The flirt.

  Itsumi grabbed her, pulling her close and brushing her lips against Melony's, nearly kissing her. "I can."

  Melony pulled back. "Is there anything else we need?"

  Zola shook her head, and Itsumi pulled her hood back over her face. "Fine, stay still so I can cover you. It doesn't make your movements silent. Try not to make too much noise."

  Melony’s body visibly shook, showing how excited she was. Itsumi covered them both in her glamour. Just to be safe, she made sure to lay it on thick over Melony. Glamours worked best on stationary objects, but they could be used on moving people. Itsumi used it on herself often and had crafted it.

  "Alright there." Itsumi stepped back.

  Melony lifted her hands, looking them over. "I can still see myself, and Zola, and you."

  Itsumi laughed. "You can see us and yourself. Others around you won't be able to see you."

  Melony looked skeptical.

  Itsumi placed her hand in the middle of her chest and leaned back. "You doubt me?" she said mockingly.

  Melony rolled her eyes and shrugged. "No, I just wanted to see if I disappeared."

  Itsumi laughed. "If we walk past a mirror, you won't see your reflection."

  Melony smiled, seeming eager for the possibility. Itsumi turned to Zola and saw she was ready to go. She nodded and Itsumi took that as a yes. She opened the door, checking to make sure the coast was clear before leading the way.

  The battle room wasn't too far from where they slept, but the key was not to be found out. Itsumi could do that in her sleep, but now it was more than just her. She needed to stay on guard at all times.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Melony followed Itsumi, making sure not to make much noise. Of course, she made a lot more noise than Itsumi. She was so quiet Melony would have sworn that Itsumi wasn't moving at all, except she watched her move gracefully and not a squeak was made.

  They walked for a while, and Melony was starting to think the place was in Africa.

  She’d stopped paying attention and ended up running into the back of Itsumi. A hand covered her mouth, keeping her from saying anything just as a few people turned down the hall. Melony recognized one of them. The girl guard who had brought her there with Itsumi. Melony remembered naming her Robyn but wasn't sure what her real name was. Melony watched as the group of four people walked past them.

  "Did you see him? He lost within seconds and had the nerve to call you out." They were chatting and didn't even look their way.

  Melony waited for one of them to notice them, but they didn't. Even when one of the girls turned her head toward them, it was like she couldn't see them and kept walking. They didn't move until a few seconds passed after the group had turned down another hallway. Melony turned, and Zola removed her hand from her mouth. Itsumi checked Melony over before nodding and turning back around. Melony followed Itsumi once more, making sure not to lose track again. Before long, Itsumi was opening a door, and Melony and Zola followed through.

  They stood in a room that was covered in bright white tiles, and the lightning in the room was so bright it was nearly blinding. It looked like one of those lab rooms in sci-fi movies where they did insane experiments on people and tested to see if the person could fly or blow shit up. Melony laughed, because she could, in fact, blow shit up, or at least set it ablaze. She covered her mouth, forgetting she was supposed to stay quiet.

  "It's fine," Itsumi said. She removed her mask, and Melony once again got to stare at the beauty that was Itsumi. "No one is here."

  "Oh, thank fuck," Melony grunted out. She could be quiet like anyone else, but she didn't like staying quiet for too long. It made her anxious.

  Itsumi laughed at her. Melony turned, looking for Zola and found her with a bleeding hand, walking in circles.

  "Is this a part of the process?"

  Itsumi stood next to her. "Yes. Once she is done with her circle, I will make mine." Itsumi seemed to be pondering something. "I wonder if I should overlap my circle with hers, since you will be bonding us at the same time?"

  Melony shrugged. It was all new to her. They were supposed to be the ones that knew what was going on.

  Itsumi looked to her. "Are you sure you want to try both of us at the same time?"

  Melony nodded. Every part of her was sure. She wasn't sure how it was done, but she was secure in her choice of what she wanted. "I don't want to bond with one of you and risk someone coming in and keeping me from bonding both of you." Melony glanced over to Itsumi. "I know this is important, and a big decision, and I don't want to mess anything up. If you want to do one at a time, we can."

  Itsumi shook her head. Zola walked over to them, and Itsumi walked over to the circle of blood. She put her hand to her mouth and bit it until blood started to trickle down.

  "Will I have to bleed too?"

  "Yes, and since you will take us both, you need to make sure to drop blood in both circles," Zola informed her.

  "What will happen?"

  Zola shrugged. "I've only seen two bonding ceremonies before, and that was when I was a child. I know how they are performed, but I don't know exactly what happens between those who choose to bond together."

  "Someone should write about this stuff, so we can read about it," Melony grumbled.

  Itsumi walked back over to them, a smile on her face. "There are books on it. We just don't have access to them."

  Melony threw her hands up. "What good does that do us?"

  "None." Zola grabbed her shoulders. "You have to focus now. Once we get in our blood circles, you are to say this chant: 'The blood that binds us, the connection we grow, the power we share, the mind that never wavers. Eternally bond.' while dropping blood in both of our circles." Zola looked over to Itsumi before turning her green eyes back on Melony. "This will be both of our first time, plus you're bonding two instead of one, so just in case, repeat the incantation twice."

  "One more time, repeat the incantation I'm supposed to recite."

  Zola repeated it and had Melony say it back to her to make sure she had it. Itsumi and Zola both stood in the middle of their blood circles. Itsumi hadn't overlapped them, but they were close enough that Melony didn't have to stretch back and forth in order to get blood into both of them.

  Melony’s teeth weren't sharp enough to cut her own skin—plus, she didn't want to bite herself. She offered Zola and Itsumi her hands, and they bit into her flesh. Itsumi’s sharp teeth easily pierced her skin. Zola's weren't as sharp, but she still ended up opening up a wound on Melony’s hand.

  The pain that flared up was no match for the excitement Melony felt at the aspect of always having Itsumi and Zola by her side, at the thought that they’d chosen her to bond with. She took in a deep breath and turned her hands so the blood dripped directly into the circles. She clenched her fists, forcing the drops to flow faster. The first drops that touched the circles sent a rush through Melony, nearly having her giggling.

  "Fuck, did
you feel that?" Itsumi looked at Melony as if she was a wonderment.

  "I did." Zola sounded just as shocked.

  Melony focused on the drops of blood and started the incantation. "The blood that binds us, the connection we grow, the power we share, the mind that never wavers. Eternally bond." She repeated it a second time. Heat filled her. it almost felt as if she was going to burst into flames. She didn't stop dripping blood into the circles.

  "I, Zola of the Opal heard, warrior and guardian of the Seltis Forrest, bond myself freely and of my own choice to Melony."

  "I, Itsumi Sato, daughter of the Nine Tails, hereby pledge myself completely to Melony, renouncing all claim to the fox clan."

  Melony could feel more power filling her as both of them promised to stay with her. Her nerves tingled, and it felt as if millions of little ants crawled up her arms. Her scalp even tingled from the feeling of overwhelming power. She felt stuck, as if she couldn't move her arms back or stop from dripping her blood into the circles. She watched, transfixed, as both Zola and Itsumi started to glow.

  Itsumi’s hair grew longer, ears grew out of the top of her head—black, furry fox ears—and tails grew behind her, swishing around. Zola’s silver hair grew, and her colorful freckles glowed different colors, making her look like a colorful disco ball. Her horn appeared at the top of her head, pure white. Melony checked to see if a tail had grown, but it hadn’t, and she wasn't sure if she was disappointed or not.

  The magic felt as if it was going to keep building, and it was turning from just uncomfortable tingles to pain. Melony held back her cries of pain, but soon, she wouldn't be able to. It felt as if she was being stuck with hot pokers. She held herself still as long as she could. Her arms began to tremble, and her sight started to waver. Her head felt too full, her body to heavy.

  Melony blinked, and she was in Itsumi’s arms on the ground. "What ha—"

  "You passed out after sealing it off." Itsumi pressed her face to Melony's. "You did such a good job."

  Melony smiled and kissed Itsumi.

  "We need to go," Zola said.

  Melony tried to move, but her body still felt too heavy.

  "I'll carry you." Itsumi lifted her up easily, as if she only weighed two pounds. "Did you clear up the blood?" she asked Zola.

  "I did what I could, but maybe throw some purifying fire on it, just in case."

  Itsumi passed Melony over to Zola, and Melony yelped at being tossed around as if she was a sack of flour. Zola went to the door.

  “Itsumi," Zola called out.

  Itsumi was next to them in seconds. "Keep quiet, Melony."

  Melony didn't get to ask why, the door to the practice room opening. In seconds, the room was filled with guards.

  "Where did that magic come from?" one of them shouted.

  "No one booked the room for tonight."

  "Search the room," another man yelled.

  "They may still be here." Melony recognized Robyn standing in the middle, pointing for people to check every corner of the room. “Be cautious. Whoever did this is powerful if everyone felt the magic even through these walls.”

  They were going to be found, Melony worried for a second. Itsumi placed her finger over Melony's mouth before slipping away. Melony was worried as soon as Itsumi was no longer visible. Melony looked to Zola, but Zola's face showed no worry. Melony closed her eyes. She would believe in Itsumi.

  She opened her eyes and a few of the guards were inches away from where they were pressed up against the wall. Just as they got within a breath, something outside the room made a large crashing sound. It sounded like glass breaking. The man who nearly touched Melony turned and ran out of the room with the other guards. They all rushed to see what the sound was.

  Melony still held her breath until she saw Itsumi again. She was smiling as she motioned with her head that they should leave. Zola still carrying her, they left the room. They walked the opposite way of the guards who were trying to find the culprit of the broken mirror down the other hallway. They ran down a few of the hallways, moving as fast as possible. It was a good thing Melony was being carried—she was pretty sure she couldn't move that fast.

  Outside their room, Itsumi quickly went inside and Zola followed.

  "That was close," Itsumi said.

  Melony nodded. It had been really close. "So now what?"

  Itsumi picked the null cuffs up off the floor. "Now, you put these back on and go meet with the council tomorrow. Only now, they can't kick us out, even if Lydia says so."

  Melony had only just gotten to feel her power again. She conjured the small flame in the palm of her hand once more. She watched the beautiful flame flicker in her hand before putting it out and offering her wrists to Itsumi.

  "Sorry," Itsumi said.

  "I know. It's not your fault. It just sucks."

  The cold iron cuffs went around her wrists. She tried to conjure the flame and nothing happened. She sighed, knowing that that would be the case, but she had hoped for a second that maybe she was powerful enough to defy all logic. After all, she had been doing that anyway, and Trinity did say she was leaking magic.

  Melony yawned. Still in Zola's arms, she laid her head on her shoulder. She was tired. The twins had woken them up, so she wondered what time it was.

  "Come on, we have a few hours before we should be up," Zola said soothingly.

  She laid Melony back into bed. Zola’s horn was gone. Melony turned to look at Itsumi, and her ears and tails were gone too.

  "Aww," she whined.

  Itsumi and Zola crawled into bed next to her.

  "What are you awwing?" Itsumi asked.

  "Your ears and tails are gone. I didn't even get to touch them," she complained.

  Itsumi laughed. "You can touch them all you want later, but for now, let's get some sleep. Your eyes aren't even open anymore."

  Melony opened her mouth to argue, but a yawn took over instead. Itsumi wasn't wrong; her eyes were closed, but she was sure she would be able to open them if Itsumi brought out her fox ears and tails again.

  "Zola, you lit up like a Christmas tree. It was so beautiful," Melony said sleepily.

  Itsumi laughed next to her.

  "Go to sleep, Melony," Zola said.

  Lips pressed against her forehead. Melony relaxed between her now-bonded creatures. Fear had filled her not too long ago when she’d closed her eyes. The fear was still there, but now, there was a piece inside of her that belonged to Zola and Itsumi, and she could feel them there. It was comforting. She didn't need to check to make sure they were still there. She knew they would always be there.

  She could feel them.

  Melony woke, and she could feel Itsumi and Zola next to her—not only physically, but mentally. She couldn't hear their thoughts, but she felt their presences within her. She smiled, happy to feel it. A knock on the door had everyone sitting up, looking at the door. Melony could feel the irritation from Itsumi as she got up to open the door. That would need getting used to—for a second, she’d thought it was her own irritation.

  The door flung open, and the servant that always came to their room walked in. She no longer wore a surprised face when seeing Itsumi. She had become accustomed to seeing her in the same room as Melony and Zola.

  "Your presence is required."

  Melony sighed, knowing full well what her presence was needed for. It still pissed her off, and she still hadn't come to terms about her parents. Even if they were renowned killer witches, they were never like that with her or around her. Did that make her a bad person, because she could easily push to the side the fact that her parents may have been evil? All because they had been good people while she grew up?

  Then again, they could have been terrible people while Melony was growing up in their house and she may have never known it. They had a whole life she didn't know about, and now she was going on trial because of the things they had done.

  They all got out of bed. Melony looked to the servant. "What's your name?" She
might as well ask, tired of referring to her by her job title.

  She looked surprised. "Evelyn."

  Melony walked over to Evelyn, popping in a mint ball before getting closer to her. She didn’t want to offend Evelyn with her morning breath. "Nice to meet you, Evelyn."

  Evelyn stood there, confusion on her face, before she recovered. "Nice to meet you too."

  Melony smiled at her before turning back to the door. "Is it in the throne room again?"

  Evelyn shook her head. "No, it will be outside. The council has asked for this to be an official trial."

  Itsumi had been next to Melony, but she stopped short and turned around to face Evelyn. "What?"

  Evelyn had a look of fear cross her face. "It is to test her."

  "They want it outside just to check her lineage?" Zola asked.

  Evelyn’s eyes moved from each of them so quickly she obviously wasn't sure who to focus on. She finally decided on Melony. "I'm not sure,” she said, bowing her head.

  Melony reached out. She didn't know Evelyn’s story, and honestly, she couldn't really listen to it right then and there, but if she made it through everything, she wouldn't mind listening to it.

  "It's fine. It's not your fault I'm here or any of this stuff is happening." Evelyn’s blue eyes looked up at Melony with so much gratitude it nearly had Melony hugging her. She looked younger than Melony had previously perceived her. Melony pulled back. "Lead the way to our new destination."

  Evelyn smiled at Melony before walking in front of them and leading the way out of the room. Melony followed behind her with Itsumi and Zola both behind her. Melony glanced over her shoulder at Itsumi. "Do you have to wear the mask?"

  Itsumi’s dark eyes focused on her. "Not if you don't want me to."

  Melony thought about it, and she honestly missed looking at Itsumi’s face. "No mask is my preference, but it's ultimately up to you. I'm not a dictator."

  Itsumi took off the mask, and she smiled at Melony. "No, you aren't a dictator, that's for sure."